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A Guide to HDT-SMP Users/Modders


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i have lost FPS when i equip armor smp . How can i fix it ??


Quite often this is due to collision calculations.


If you are not terribly worried about things like hands colliding & moving around parts of the mesh then you can probably quite happily open up the configuration XML files and comment out the collision shapes.

<!-- XML comment block -->

You can usually find these files in: data/SKSE/Plugins/hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs


CBBE.xml, for an example:


    <per-triangle-shape name="CBBE">


Depending on the armor in question it may have it's own physics definition file, same process though.


You could also try changing <per-triangle-shape> to <per-vertex-shape>, usually less accurate simulation at the benefit of performance.


Note that if you comment out the collision shapes you will of course no longer have collision simulation.

Edited by treota
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  • 3 weeks later...

I installed it but everything is stiff?

Probably need to add whichever body shape you are using to the default-bbp.xml file.


There are some all in one no configuration needed options available, not sure if they are on the nexus but the are available on LL. Links at the top of the tut.

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I installed it but everything is stiff?

Probably need to add whichever body shape you are using to the default-bbp.xml file.


There are some all in one no configuration needed options available, not sure if they are on the nexus but the are available on LL. Links at the top of the tut.


I have been struggling with this mod for a month or so and I've gotten it to work before but it just won't now, I've tried all the links you've posted and the closest thing to "working" was using the one on 3dm game and when I used that this happened https://i.imgur.com/QNimnT2.png not my photo but its the same issue also the BBP/TBBP is working fine its just the physics on the clothes

Edited by MrSnoodle
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That looks like the configuration for the clothing has not set a constraint to a 'static' bone, i.e. one with no physics applied to it.


The bones get force applied to them and have nothing stopping them from just continuing to move in the direction of the applied force, as such they 'fall off the character'.


Fixing this would probably require combing the physics declaration file for the clothing and making sure the bones are actually anchored to an:

  1. existing bone
  2. bone that is 'static'

You could also open the hdtSmp.log (data/skse/plugins) files to see if they have any insight, I did have a problem once where smp refused to recognize one of the bones in the skeleton and kept disabling the constraint that was being applied.


If all else fails could always try reinstalling your skeleton (hopefully you are using groovetamas) and make sure that nothing is overriding it.

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ok so I've very noobish when it comes to stuff like this but I would like to learn. So If i were to want an HDT-PE armor to work with HDT-SMP on special edition what exactly would i have to do?

You might find this topic useful.


A caution.. this is lovers lab so if you have trouble with sexual content then it might be best not to follow this one.




The absolute basics:

  1. Verify that your card supports at least OpenCL 1.2 (https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ if you don't already have a way to do this)
  2. Get the smp plugin & the base physics library from here: http://www.9damao.com/thread-61878-1-1.html (you will need to sign up for an account & post something on the topic to get access)
    1. Note that there is also the high heels system here: http://www.9damao.com/thread-39231-1-1.htmlhttp:// (this is super beta though, the mcm menu has no text. have to trial & error a bit)
  3. Install the HDT plugins with whatever mod management technique you prefer

Now comes the fun part.


You will need to find the name of the mesh that you want the physics to apply to & either add it to your default-bbps.xml or add a string entry to the file using the technique covered in the first part of this guide.


Be very cautious here, you can and will destroy your framerate by applying smp to large amounts of mesh. If you can live without collisions I would recommend disabling them as I suggested in a previous post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3800385-a-guide-to-hdt-smp-usersmodders/page-2&do=findComment&comment=56803756.


Also note that last I used it the mod "Floating damage text" breaks SMP, not really sure why as of yet.

Edited by treota
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