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Blackskull Keep (WIP)

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Today I started on the summoning room, I made a new retexture on a circular rug to use for the actual circle. And I am pleased to say that after looking at the frostcrag spire atronach summon script and making my own adjustments, I now have a fully functional summon as many as you want too skelly ingrediant based summons script.


I am happy of this, at least it didn't take forever and week to work out how to do it. Before you say, oh that s totally unbalanced, some of the ingrediants are tedious to find and aren't easy to get a hold of. Will require going out and about hunting for them.


But anyways here's a peep at the room.




any thoughts? suggestions, advice?

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If it were me I would reduce the size of the room by about a third. The reason being that it looks a little empty. If you were to summon dozens of skeletons it would work, as they'd fill the space, however the engine simply cannot support enough creatures to fill the room. Now I don't really know how the whole package fits together and this room may actually be better off large, it was just a thought, don't do it if it doesn't feel right.
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It is really empty at the moment, I would scale it down but doing that would cause a tiny door problem and also, with this magical research facility I am wanting the feel of ruined grandness, hence the dirty oblivion textures and not my clean versions of it, Unless I use a different tileset for this room however at the moment I cannot think of a grand enough one that would suit.


I will think more on it while I mod some more features.


All in all I am wanting my big tower to have things to do.

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You can add in more details to feel more grand than warehouse. Harrada plants hanging through the broken roof, banners (Possibly the Kvatchian shredded type if you can retexture that), and fallen broken stones on the floor.
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Well thats a grand idea Uberman however with the summoning room there will be alters to cast minions going right around the circle. ( it's a circular room ) so it's not going to be empty for much longer.



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So today I was mucking around inside the summoning room making custom alters in the nifscope and sorting out my exteriors and making another yep, script. Decided to take a screenie to share.







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Looks great. My two cents: I would add black burn marks on the float level of the boat so it's obvious it's lava resistant but will add some atmosphere to it.

For the main room, maybe some lava?


I started modifying some SI running water objects to look like lava, if you're interested, I can give you my little example (can't post SS not home).

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