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New to GECK, have a quick question...


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Basically I want to change the way a weapon is held by the PC, specifically a weapon I picked up in a mod... Is this possible with the GECK? And if so, how complex is it? Is there just options for how an item is held, e.g. pistol, melee, rifle etc...



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I think the OP is asking a much more basic question but without giving quite enough information. If you don't know about mesh files, I guess your question is that you have some weapon from a mod, but you want the PC to hold the same weapon differently. What is the specific weapon type you have, and how do you want the PC to hold it? It is *likely* that a 3D artist would have to make some change to the data files for the weapon in order to allow this; but we cannot tell for sure without more information.
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Well, the weapon is a sonic screwdriver from the Fallout Who Mod in Fallout 3 - I thought I'd ask everywhere because I'd get a quicker reply, and it still covers items in the GECK...

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14107 (Fallout Who)


It seems to be classed as a pistol, although it's held pointing directly upward, but it's held in exactly the same way as the other pistols in the game (both modded & unmodded) so I'm pretty sure this is what it falls under, as I say, I have no experience with modding files (I just download 'em), so I couldn'd tell you for sure.


There's an image of what it looks like in this file:- entitled Sonic1 I think ;)



I've also got this mod installed, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41333 which if you look at the image of the pistol pose, you can probably tell a thin silver tube pointing backward in that pose looks pretty stupid...


Unfortunately the guy who made the mod doesn't recieve messages, so I can't ask him either.


I'd prefer the PC to hold the weapon either in the same way as a knife or other one handed melee weapon, or just down by his side (preferably by his side), any info you could give would be appreciated. :)



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Have you posted a comment onto the mod thread? Many modders have that thread forwarded to their offsite personal email account so they can see the comments quickly.


Using geck, you could *try* to create a new melee weapon and use this as a model. It might work. Basically, select a melee weapon like a knife in geck; slowly double click on the name to edit it; change the name to a new name; a dialog box will pop to ask if you want to create a new weapon or rename it; choose to create a new one. Then edit the model field of the new weapon to give the name of the model of the sonic screwdriver, which you can find by editing the sonic screwdriver weapon.


If you haven't used geck much at all, this will make more sense after you read the tutorials at geck.bethsoft.com.


If making it a knife doesn't make the PC look the way you want, you probably need to ask a 3D artist to modify the model. Is there an existing object in the game, which is held the way you want? This may be a good guide to the artist.

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Find the weapon entry in GECK, go to the art and sound tab, and change the animation type to Onehandmelee. It probably says OneHandPistol right now. I think that will do what you're asking. It will make him hold it like a knife or sword without changing anything else.
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Thanks very much guys! :biggrin: I'll download the GECK and give it a whirl. I'd prefer not to make a fully fledged weapon though, as the mod which includes the screwdriver also allows you to use it for things such as locking & unlocking doors, as well as taking out robots with a ranged attack... (that's probably what made it need a pistol grip to be honest)...
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