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New to GECK, have a quick question...


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Wow... the GECK certainly looks complex!


Hmmm, I've manged to find the file I need to look at (the full mod, from there I can access the weapon files correct?) and I'be tried opening it - I've found there are a couple of issues here... one is that if I set all the master files to open too (e.g. fallout3, Anchorage, BS, Pitt, MZ etc, then it aborts the load), and the other is that if I just open it alone, I get a lot of warnings popping up... odd.



Anyway, I managed to get a look at the file, Art & Sound, animation type, and sure enough it was onehandpistol, I changed that out to onehandmelee, and played until I got the weapon, and it still hasn't worked? - any suggestions?



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Anchorage, etc. aren't going to work. Those are for fallout3.


When you open the plugin, make sure to set it active. Then when you make the change, save the plugin.

Make sure it's enabled in the launcher, play game.

If you are running Vista or Win7 and have Vegas installed anywhere under Program Files, you need to disable UAC in order to save the plugin. You can google on how to do that if you need to.

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I think you've got the wrong end of the stick - the mod was for Fallout 3, not FONV ;) and the GECK I downloaded was for FO3 as well, those DLC files should be appearing shouldn't they?


Thanks for your help in this :)

Edited by LordFlashheart
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Yeah I know, apologies, I just thought because it was a GECK question (even if it was about a specific FO3 thing) that it was a general enough topic to warrant it - that and I thought that very few people would go on the FO3 forum so it wouldn't get seen...




Anyway, as far as I know, I've followed those steps - I made the plugin the active file, I saved the change.


When you say make sure it's in the launcher, do you mean FOMM? If so then it is there.


The FO3 files are not installed under Program files, rather, they're in a seperate folder called "Games"


What's UAC? Unsure of what you mean :)


One other thing that I noticed was that there was a master file for the mod, and a plugin file (there were two files that I downloaded, one with the main stuff on, the other with a patch or update I think...) as far as I know, the master file is the one with the majority of the files on, and the extra is the one that I'm editing... could it be because of this that it isn't working? - If so how do I open the master file? I just get it saying it's aborted the operation to open it, becuase of the other master files (Anchorage, Zeta, Pitt etc.)



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