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Scavenging cap mods


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Are there any mods that remove the cap from scavenging or some sort of workaround? I looked but couldn't find any after I found out that there's a cap. I think it's bullshit... Bethesda and their stupid decisions, I swear they don't think half the time... If I want to dedicate settlers to scavenging I should be able to and not be forced to go clear out the workbenches every few hours "because reasons"... I've already got enough things to do... Why the hell would having 100+ junk in the workbench prevent them from finding more.... At least 1/3 the population from most my settlements have been a been a Waste for hundreds of hours... Why do scavenging stations even exist In the vanilla game... they are literally useless...

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  • 8 years later...

Just in case someone else stumbles on this old thread or Bahamut is still looking for a solution.
There is a mod called Uncapped Settlement Surplus, which promises to fix this annoying limit.


This mod removes these limitations: water purifiers continue producing water even if you aren't around to babysit them, farmers continue to produce surplus food, and so forth.


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