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Combat mods?


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Hi everyone, my first time here, I recently played through borderlands and really enjoyed it, I have also just bought fallout 3 goty, I played through some of F3 on ps3 back when it came out, the main issue I had with it was that it was the combat was slow, and very easy with the constant head shots.


Does anyone know of/could recommend some mods to 'jazz up' the combat, not necessarily to border lands levels, but just so I don't have to use the VATS to get any kills without running out of ammo constantly.



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FWE and FOOK2 both make combat a lot harder as well as adding a lot to the game and making other tweas. You might want to check them out, but make sure to read the documentation if you do decide to instal them.
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Everything Bleeds is a favorite of mine, particularly with the game set on Very Hard.


MMM Increased Spawns makes things more interesting. I'd also get the Respawn Zone version and bump your respawn time to 1 day.


Also, using Weighted Ammo and Weighted Caps adds other limiters. You can't simply walk around all day with a million rounds of everything and the Bank of England on your back to buy more. When you only have a couple hundred rounds of 5.56 to work with, and a single well placed shot by an enemy can cause you to quickly bleed out (i.e., Everything Bleeds), running out of ammo while fighting ten raiders (Increased Spawns) REALLY sucks.


If you want to go ala carte with your mods instead of something all-encompassing like FWE, there's a lot of tweaks to be had.

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