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Unlimited equipment slots?


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I thinking this is probably a bit of a long shot, but I really want to be able to wear several tail slot/amulet slot items at once. i.e.: Khajiit assassin: Tail, cape, face mask, hood, amulet and two rings. A mod that could do something along the lines of this would also allow the use of 1st person legs(I want for DR6) at the same time as wearing gloves and two rings. Or if I'm trying to make a Gandalf guy with a beard and a cloak, without sacrificing the use of two all-important enchanted rings and an amulet. It just seems a shame that there is no way of doing this. Any suggestions or link would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
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They're presented in the dialog coming up when you "rebuild" your bashed patch. There's a multitude of sections you can enable and disable certain features in and this is found inside one of them.


However, keep in mind there can always only be 1 item equipped in a slot. You can remove slot assignments from rings and such, like this does, but if an item doesn't have a slot, it's simply not rendered, doesn't display.

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They're presented in the dialog coming up when you "rebuild" your bashed patch. There's a multitude of sections you can enable and disable certain features in and this is found inside one of them.


However, keep in mind there can always only be 1 item equipped in a slot. You can remove slot assignments from rings and such, like this does, but if an item doesn't have a slot, it's simply not rendered, doesn't display.


The option you're searching for should be inside "Tweak Clothes".



Hi, Drake...I finally found the options Unlimited Rings & Amulet in Wrye Bash.

Now the next challenge is: how to make the options work in esp. file?


For example: In my Elysium DMRA Outfit break-up, i want to add Angel Wings. But i'm out of slots. So after i created the Wings ID in CS, what should I do next?


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I'm sorry, but with this particular kind of item, if you're out of slots, you're out of luck. I'm convinced you want those angel wings to be visible, else there wouldn't be much use in having angel wings to begin with. For them to be visible they need to occupy at least one of your slots. There's no way around this. If you're out of slots now but want to have those angel wings also show, you'll need to remove the slot assignment from another item, which does not necessarily have to be visible and is only worn for its effects.


Removing a slot assignment from an item is easily done in the CS. If you open the item dialog for the item in question, you will see the slots it occupies right-on. They're impossible to miss. If you click an unselected slot, it will be added to the slots occupied. If you click a selected slot, it will be unselected and no longer occupied by the item. If you unselect all selected slots, the item will not display anymore, but can be worn in unlimited numbers.


If you really want each individual item to be visible though, they can't remain seperate items. You'll have to combine some of them into one item, one NIF file, with NifSkope, Blender or a modeling app (=> "armor mash up"), which then only occupies 1 slot.


The number of slots is limited, and as such is the number of items which display at the same time. Enchantments and script effects do still apply without a slot assigned. Such invisible "buff" items can be equipped in virtually unlimited numbers. But only items with a slot assignment will display.


Those Unlimited Rings & Amulet tweaks turn every single ring or amulet in existance invisible, by removing their slot assignments. Then unlimited numbers of them can be worn, their effects will still apply and sum up, but none of them will ever be seen anymore.

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