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COD MW3 plot details leaked. Locations, characters and multiplayer map


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New York? As if that hasn't already been done already. Also, in the Kotaku article, there's a link to a second article about the same thing that has a video, and the voice acting sounds absolutely horrible. :yucky:

This is what(in my opinion) they should have done;


1. Continue following Ramirez and the squad he's in as they go and retaliate against Russia.

2. Focus more on Price's and Soap's Story.


The way it sounds right now, it sounds like they're setting us up for another lukewarm and meh story that has no real plot to it. That, and why is Europe in there all the sudden? 15 missions and 14 slated places? This is supposed to be about Russia vs. USA, and Price and Soap's story. If anything, there should be like, 7 missions in Russia, then the other 8 about whatever Price and Soap are doing. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm kind of disappointed. Plus, if the game is essentially the same gameplay wise, then we def. know who's getting my money......


Battlefield 3. \o/

Edited by jhardingame
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They are copying BE3's destructable environments... I hope it burns!


Woah, they are? I totally didn't see that in there.

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How to make a Call of Duty game in 10 easy steps:


Step 1: Use an outdated game engine from 2005


Step 2: Insert crappy storyline about Russians and nuclear weapons


Step 3: Design a character that 12 year olds will perceive as "cool" and refer to him only by his mysterious call sign.


Step 4: Kill said character in a scripted event 2/3 way through the campaign.


Step 5: Kill key bad guy in another scripted event involving slow motion


Step 6: Add a halfbaked multiplayer mode. Make sure that there are plenty of glitches and imbalances and good places to camp.


Step 7: Profit.


Step 8: Release overpriced map pack.


Step 9: Profit some more.


Step 10: Repeat steps 1-10 until series has been sufficiently milked dry.



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They are copying BF3's destructable environments... I hope it burns!


Woah, they are? I totally didn't see that in there.


Personally I've moved on from shooters till they make a decent one and haven't bought any activision or Ubisoft products for years. So I'll pray that BF3 beats CoD and make people realise how shallow CoD is.

Edited by brokenergy
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BF3 will take my money for sure. CoD can screw off for all I care.


They even stated that the only reason that they use the outdated engine is because 'Making a new engine costs money, and takes time to make anyway', so they are literally saying that the only reason they use the rusty old crapbox is because they want it on the shelves ASAP.


In other words, they want the money sooner...

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