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What Alt Start mod a I looking for?


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I'm currenty using "Alternate Start: Arrive By Ship." In this mod, the main quest happens via a dream.


However, I once read a blog where a guy tried to be an NPC in Oblivion. To effect this, he used an alternate start mod that also started you in Anvil, but this time, the main quest was triggered by getting arrested in the Imperial City.


Which mod was that? That sounds like I'd much prefer it over my current Alt. Start mod.

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MOE Main Quest Delayer with Alive Kvatch may be the one you're thinking of, however it requires a version of Kvatch Rebuilt that is no longer available (it needs Kvatch Rebuilt.esm and Kvatch Rebuilt.bsa from a version prior to that which is available for download today ... the new version doesn't have an ESM).


The original version of MOE is available ... Modular Oblivion Enhanced PostFinal but in it Kvatch is closed. I currently use the version with Kvatch Alive so I can't say much about the original version.


Another alternative is Arthmoor's Alternative Beginnings. It provides a whole host of different starts (how would you like to escape a sinking ship with just the clothes on your back for example). I believe there are some start options with it that will work with the newer version of Kvatch Rebuilt.

Edited by Striker879
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I'm a total non-Skyrim type myself, but I see that both are from Arthmoor so I'd guess they are about as close to one another as two mods for two different games could be (they both are alt start mods after all).


I can tell you from testing I've done in the MOE version that I use that Arthmoor knows his stuff. When you want to get the Main Quest started in MOE you need to use the console to step through some quest stages at the part just before the Emperor buys the farm (comments Arthmoor made in the Alternative Beginnings mod comments is what I used to figure out what was wrong and how to work around the problem). Haven't used Alternative Beginnings myself yet (maybe my next character) but I'm pretty sure you won't run into that kind of snafu in one of his mods.

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