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Anyone else annoyed with enemy weapon inconsistancy


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I just can not stand how for instance Andromedons and Mutons have essentially the same exact weapon yet the Muton's does so much less damage, same with the Advent Troopers different variants, not to mention they all have the exact same armor despite having more heath, does this bother anyone else or just me XD

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Personally I never thought about it, but if you would like I can point you in the direction to adjust this.


Go into you XCOM 2 directory, then go to XcomGame -> Config, and look for XcomGamedata_Weapondata, and about line 60 is where enemy weapon damages are recorded.


Damage=# is the base damage ammount that everything else modifies. Spread is how far below and above the Damage=# the weapon can roll. PlusOne=# is the % chance for the weapon deal one extra bonus point of damage. Crit is how much damage is added to Damage=# if the weapon crits. Pierce is how much armor the weapon IGNORES, shred is how much it removes.

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