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Will make custom CM partners!


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Just like the title describes, I would be more than happy to make custom CM partners for anyone that wants one. Just post any details you want me to put into the character and i will see what i can do for you. I have the capability to make some custom race CM partners, so just make your request!


Currently I support these races:

All vanilla

Slof's playable xivilai


Elves of Lineage II

Xenius Race Compilaiton


I'll have to check to see if there are more seeing as i just came up with that off the top of my head. If your race isn't listed above, dont be afraid to at least ask. I may be willing to make a partner for you if i like the custom race!


EDIT: I have little to no experience or expertise as far as making creature partners goes. If you could limit your requests to NPCs, that would be wonderful. Thanks for your understanding.

Edited by kingtitan
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Well, I thank you kindly for the offer. If it were something that you could whip up in a spare 3 minutes that would be fine. But I don't want to put you through all that bother just for me. Thanks, anyway.




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Are you able to (or do you know a way to) make a CM Partner using the face data from a save game file?


I recently uploaded a save game and have had a request to create a CM Parnter version of the character but I have no idea how to go about transferring the data?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Rabbit: I will certainly try to make the scamp as a start. The only issue is figuring out which script creatures use, however with a little picking around I think ill be able to do it. Just bear with me and ill get it taken care of for you.


Flintlockecole and Ghoulz: That is actaully a very simple and easy request suprisingly enough. Before I start working on that though, how many and of what genders do you want? (The more details the better!) I will probably bundle them into one .esp just for the sake of time instead of creating multiple esp's. And dont worry, I wont bleach em. As soon as i get the details of your request I will begin work on them.


LegacyCloud: I know that there most certainly is a way, however I'm not just 100 percent sure on how to do it personally. I think it may require Wyre Bash or something like that. Try reading the attached documents that came with the mod and see what you can find. Maybe someone that reads this thread can help you out more than I can.


uberubernerd: Unfortunately, probably not. I really dont have a need for chihuahuas in my game and you didnt post a link either!! I can't even review the mod if you dont post a link to it...

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Are you able to (or do you know a way to) make a CM Partner using the face data from a save game file?


I recently uploaded a save game and have had a request to create a CM Parnter version of the character but I have no idea how to go about transferring the data?


Any help would be appreciated.


You can use Wrye Bash to do it. Open up Wrye Bash, select the mod that you want your new CM companion to be in, right-click it, and select Import -> Face. Then just choose the save game that has the player's face you want.


Open up the mod file in the CS and look through the NPC list. Wrye Bash creates a new npc in the mod file with the player's face. The new npc will have "sg" in front (for save game), followed by 3 letters such as Dun, Imp, Red, etc. (for Dunmer, Imperial, Redguard, etc.). If the player was a custom race, then the 3 letters are Unk (for Unknown). Following that is the player's name.


If the player was a custom race, then the NPC will default to being vampire race, but don't worry, it'll look the same as the player once you change the race, since all the facial slider positions were saved.

Edited by fg109
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