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Invisible clothes after item mod merge and CK navmesh fix problems


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I just merged some item mods and since I did some female common clothes appear as invisible. When I merged the esp's using lastest Merge Plugins from nexus site I got a warning saying that I'd have to use the CK to fix a navmesh NAVI:00012FB4. I accepted and the plugins merged successfully. I can run the game without problem except that some female common clothes appear as invisible. The items exist and can be equipped but will make the body invisible.


Following the merge I proceeded with the deactivation of the esps that were merged and I don't get any missing master warning ...


Here's a list of the plugins I merged as ITEMS.esp :


Artifact Disenchanting.esp
Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp
Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp
Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Rebirth Monster - Clothing & Clutter Fixes Patch.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Rebirth Monster - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
Differently Ebony.esp
Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp
Pre PaMa CCOR Patch.esp
WAF_CCF_SIC Patch.esp

You can access my mod list / load order at : (sorry link option in forum window doesn't work )




Seccond problem :


When I open the CK I get a warning saying :


FORMS: Chunk size 677 too big in chunk SNAM_ID in form TES4_ID(FF000000)

Max size is 512, data is truncated to "Merge Plugin : ...


How can I get past this error to finally fix my navmesh ?


Anyone can point me to a good up to date guide to fix nav meshes?



Thank in advance for any help and I hope I didn't forget anything I had some problems with the forum page and its the 4th time I type all of this ...




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Hi there! I stumbled on this in trying to research a CK error "Chunk size too big" or whatever after merging a bunch of armor plugins. I was trying to ascertain if this error was of any concern. Nevertheless, I apologize for resurrecting a potentially dead thread. But, in the event that you haven't already figured out your issue @ramtee yet, I had a very similar issue after merging some plugins. I would bet it's not a navmesh issue, rather, simply, some plugins for whatever weren't merging properly, even though they may seem like they should. When in-game, equipping a certain armor, it would make my pc's body invisible, just as you described. Knowing the name of the item in-game, I used TES5Edit to try to pin it down by querying the in-game item name in the "Editor ID". This helped narrow it down to which merge plugin the problem esp was located. I then deselected the merge plugin, activated all the esps that were in that plugin, went in-game and saved it with the invisible armor equipped, and deactivated each esp until I found the problem esp (after deselecting it in the load order and loading the game, the armor was no longer equipped on my pc). And I went from there.

If I was to take a guess, perhaps Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp or Rebirth Monster - Clothing & Clutter Fixes Patch.esp cannot merge properly; thereby resulting in your invisible clothes issue.

Hope this helps. Right, back to researching if this CK error is an issue or not. Again, my apologies if this is necroing. Cheers!

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After merging and making a new .esp file, are you copying over all the meshes and textures folders from the mods you merged into your new .esp mod folder? You still need to do that if you're deactivating the other mods. Otherwise you'll have invisible/no armour.


EDIT: Also, before merging you need to "check for errors" on all the mods you want to merge first. If any of them have errors, you cannot merge it until you've fixed them. Or just leave them out of the merge.

Edited by Baibaihe
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