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Female body shadow texture issue with compatible mods


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I use UNP, Sporty Sexy Map (Athletic + Sweat) and SG textures.

All these mods are supposedly compatible with eachother yet when I put it all together I encounter this weird bug with the shadowing and the overall textures look like crap. The shadows insist on being infront of my character constantly and doesn't follow the actual ambiance.

Mind you that I run on the highest graphics and have a modern gaming rig. It can make the game look beautiful normally so something went wrong.


Tell me if I missed something in my mod setup.




<Warning, caveman themed nudity above.>

Edited by MissEve
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It's not though. Notice that the shadow detail is horrendus and note that it appears like that nomatter which direction the character turns. Also there's bugged shadows indoors where the shadows turn into horizontal stripes.

None of this happened when I played without mods.

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