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ReturnFire for primary weopon.


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I'm making a Rifleman class.


I need to modify ReturnFire so the soldier uses his primary weapon.


+SoldierRanks=( aAbilityTree=( (AbilityName="ReturnFire", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon) This alone doesn't seem to work.


I need to modify the skill itself? If so where is it?

Edited by MysteriousStranger07
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Sounds like you have made good progress with ini file modding. Now you are ready for the next challenge, which is uc script modding. Please see my sticky resource thread (which is still not sticky) and look at the SDK guide, and the guide on constructing a new class. The main file you will need is X2Ability_SharpshooterAbilitySet.uc.



Edited by davidlallen
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