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I have seen a few attempts at making a joinable Silverhand faction mod that runs counter to the Companions (like Imperial vs Stormcloak), but never seen even an alpha released.


Is there a mod that adds the Silverhand faction as joinable?

If not, is there anyone working on such a mod?

If not, is there anyone willing to work on such a mod?


Here is my idea of how the questline could work (use it, change it, ignore it, whatever):



Join the Companions and play through as normal.


After "Proving Honor", on the radiant quest, a member of the Silver Hand will approach you and tell you that if you wish to join them that you can meet with Krev the Skinner in Gallows Rock.


If you become a werewolf you can no longer join the Silver Hand, so this must be done BEFORE the Companion quest "The Silver Hand".


If you are a member of the Silver Hand, the Companions will not talk with you (if you enter Jorrvaskr they will be hostile).

There will also be random encounters with enemies just called "Companions".


Krev the Skinner will give you a Silver Sword and (possibly) a Silver Crossbow for you first quest, which would be a radiant quest to kill a Werewolf that is threatening a city (that will be repeatable).


If you succeed you will be able to learn how to craft silver weapons and werewolf armor (Silver Hand armor) from the Silver Hand Smith.


You will also be able to do a main faction quest "Setting the Trap".

This quest will start by you spreading rumors that a fragment of Wuuthrad is said to reside in a barrow.

You then need to meet with some members of the Silver Hand to clear out some of the barrow in order to find a place to set your trap.

At this point you set the trap and wait. During this, Farkas or Aela will appear and you have to take him out.


When this is done you will report back to Krev the Skinner to get your reward.

You then have to do another radiant quest.


After this you will have a main faction quest to storm Jorrvaskr to claim the fragments of Wuuthrad.

During this quest you will also kill Kodlak.

If you kill any non-circle members you will be kicked from the Silver Hand and have to do a rejoining quest.

When you get the fragments, report back to Krev the Skinner and get promoted (get a unique silver ring).


Do a radiant quest.


At this point, Vilkas and Skjor will be attacking Gallows Rock on your return. You will have to defend it from their assault.

After this, when you search their bodies you will learn that the Circle grew desperate and now all the members of the Companions are werewolves, not just the circle.

Krev the Skinner will have been killed in the attack.


This leads into the next quest to storm Jorrvaskr and claim it for the Silver Hand.

Once that is done, Jorrvaskr will be home of the Silver Hand with you as the new leader.


You now have to get the people of Whiterun, and all Skyrim, to accept the Silver Hand by doing quests for them.


Once you get accepted by Skyrim Hircine will challenge the Silver Hand.

Werewolf, Werebear, maybe other Werecreature activity will rise as you take on Hircine's minions.


I do not know what to do next, but this is a good start.



Edited by ShadowDestroyerOfTime
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