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Realistic fallout 3


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Is there by some chance a mod that makes fallout 3 more realistic?


Much like hardcore mode on Fallout new Vegas


you have to eat (Or you suffer side effects and eventually die)

You have to sleep (Or you suffer side effects that get worse and worse over time)

You have to drink (Or you suffer side effects that get worse over time, kills you much sooner then starving to death)

Stem-packs you take heal you over time instead of instantly


Etc etc..


So does this mod (or something close)exist and if it does can someone give me a link to it?


If it does not exist then I request a mod like this :P


Thank you for your time to read this ;D

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Yes. Something like this (or close to it) exists. It's called Fallout Wanderers Edition


Can be found over here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761



Will check it out now ;P


Edit: Is this compatible with Apocalypse armory and underground hideout?


I hope to god it is compatible with zombie apocalypse too..

Edited by Apollo81001
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Zombie Apocalypse: Yes, should be compatible


Underground Hideout: Compatible, but some of the features of the hideout would be a tad unbalancing. Not to the vanilla game but to FWE's new sense of gritty hardship.


Apocalypse Armory: Semi-compatible. The weapons will show up, and they will work fine. But once making a merged patch, there will be too many weapons in enemies inventories, and the weapons AA adds will seem very weak compared to FWE's weapons. The thing about FWE is realism: Gunshots kill.



You might want to pick up Imps More Complex Needs, in addition to FWE or separately if you want. It adds the need not only to eat, but to stay well nourished and hydrated. It even gives you buffs for staying healthy.

Edited by Jeoshua
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