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FOMM and a Couple Various Questions.


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Just have a few questions that hoping someone can answer:


1) Regarding FOMM and the settings for graphics - I noticed many of them (including things like the View Distance Setting), can be overridden and set beyond the default maximum. Before I start experimenting with these, are there any websites/articles that give detailed info regarding all the settings and how far past the default maximum is considered 'safe'? I have a powerful system and the sub-par max graphics settings just don't do it for me anymore. The view distance, for example, is just terrible. Objects far out, such as terrain, basically look like a bowl full of a solid coloured liquid.


2) I'd like to install some HD Textures for, well, all aspects, including Terrain, Weapons, Armor, everything. After searching around some, all I could find for NV is 4Aces HD Textures, but they seemed a little unstable when I tried them before. I've also downloaded NMC's HD Pack, but that's only for F3 (which I no longer have installed). People seem to praise his work for F3, but can these be adapted to work reliably with FNV? I've read user posts about a lot of textures missing (obviously because I'm sure FNV has some new ones that F3 does not have). I have both 4Aces and NMC's packs on my drive, but which one is typically hailed as the better of the two?


Help would be appreciated


Thanks in advance.



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