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Anybody having problem of disappearing houses?


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I believe I found the culprit..SC Expanded ScrapList.exe. Even though I really enjoyed scrapping entire properties, I will have to give this mod up. It was freaking me out visually.

You can try and change the "draw" distance, so that you need to get nearer to the "glitching" objects - in my case, this helped, since these effects are gone almost entirely.

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the problem is the mod let's you scrap LOD objects. While it scraps the object it doesn't and can't scrap the LOD.


LOD is a Low Rez version of the building, Tree Object that the game uses to help performance. (Over simplified explanation) and removing the High Rez version does not remove the Low. Therefor you get buildings and objects popping in and out depending on draw distance.

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I noticed a lot of things popping in and out in Workshop Mode when I had both Build High Expanded Settlements and Spring Cleaning loaded at the same time right after the last game update, which says to me they changed something (more than just LOD issues). There's an unknown number hash (XCRI) in the CELL record, and reverting it to vanilla settings in the modded entries can fix some of it, but I was having other issues and ended up removing Build High for the moment rather than try and figure out what was actually causing the problem and how to fix it without causing other problems (which is why I never submitted bug reports on it since I didn't have enough information on which mod was causing it in the first place to report it, or what the hell XCRI even is). It's likely a conflict dealing with several mods editing the same CELL records. I also have a Radeon, which apparently does have some weird issues, so... (and I searched for updates on just now, learning that the driver update causes the flickering/disappearing compass graphics... huh.)

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