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CTD after loading save


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Ok, that was fairly easy to solve...on my end anyway. It seems that this was the offending mod:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9942/? . It even says that some people experience CTDs in the description, DOH! The problem is, it's not until you build/install the actual mod for the weapon in game that the issue presents itself, that's why some older saved games work because you have not yet built the weapon and modded it in game. Once you build the weapon, it then "corrupts" your save (for lack of a better word). Uninstall the mod from NMM, the saved games are playable again. Hope this helps some people.

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Ok, that was fairly easy to solve...on my end anyway. It seems that this was the offending mod:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9942/? . It even says that some people experience CTDs in the description, DOH! The problem is, it's not until you build/install the actual mod for the weapon in game that the issue presents itself, that's why some older saved games work because you have not yet built the weapon and modded it in game. Once you build the weapon, it then "corrupts" your save (for lack of a better word). Uninstall the mod from NMM, the saved games are playable again. Hope this helps some people.


Might help other ppl, but I never heard of that mod until now, much less actually use it, so that's not what's causing my CTDs here.

Edited by sorrowscythe
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After some tinkering around with my mods, it seems that the mod We Are The Minutemen contributes to the crashes (since i'm no longer getting immediate crashes, only crashing after few seconds now). However, the problem isn't fixed entirely.


What I can confirm does not make crashes (after numerous disabling, starting fallout, getting crashed, and enabling):

-Idiot Savant to Idiot s!@£

-Maxton's battlecoat

-Perverted perks

-Honest Abe's armors and red dress

-CBBE and bodyslide (caliente and ousnius swore that CBBE is already stable)

-RXL collars and cbbe conversions

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  • 3 weeks later...


I found the offending mod!


It's "Eyes of Perfection", and it has been confirmed to CTD by other users reporting in the mod page


Apparently one of its eye colour files is causing the crash. Removing it (or replacing it with another eye mod) should fix it

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Ther is an BIG Issue at the Moment with the new Update and most Build Mods :


There has been an update to the workshopfile, so most mods which use that, will cause a ctd until the Mod-Authors update their mods to the changes.


Workaround : Go to your Fallout 4\Data\Interface Directory, look for a file with the Name : Workshop.swf and delete or Mpve that file to a backup Directory.


I would recommend on Moving or Renaming rather than deleting the File, but anyway - if it's gone, your Game will run fine again in Buildmode.


There is another trick i've found to get a CTD Save to Work again :


Get yourself the Savegame Editor S4SGE and open your Savefile with that. Now you should look under the Plugins Tab, then take out your Modlist and delete all missing .esp Entrys.

Save the Savegame and try to load it again, for me it worked after stripping some old .esp Entrys, some Items where gone, but heck, the Save is running again andf all is fine. :smile:


DO you know what mods are affected?

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Hi Diranar, thank you very much for that useful Tip. Ive got CTD after removing " Boston Wanderer Hardcore MOD" and loading a savegame.
Than I used F4SGE-Tool (backup'd my save first) and removed the Boston-Wanderer plugins from my save and it worked.
:thumbsup: Big THX


Edit/ not working - CTD is gone but other mods not loading on that save




Edit, got it working now and all mods working again on that save.
The trick is that only plugins that are at the end oft list should be removed with F4SGE.
Deleting them from the end prevents other plugins from changing their number and not working anymore.
I sorted them with NMM at the end oft the Loadorder and made a new savegame (If it's a ESM, conversion from ESM to ESP is needed before moving)
After deleting the mod out of the savegame I uninstalled the mod with NMM.

CTD gone, Mods working.

Edited by DerGelbeBlitz
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