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What mods are you currently working on?


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@uedftus I think the scope looks like the better part of the gun. I'm still learning too, but from what I've been told so far, the model is more important than the texture. It's the Chloe Kardashian effect. Form can be made better with great textures, but great textures can't make a crappy model better. From my modeling courses now, it's in the details after the general forms are sketched out. Nothing can overcome badly blocked out forms. Then it's all details.


I solved the Damascus Steel problem:





To the guy that uses Marmoset Toolbag2™ I was wondering how difficult it was to set up the movie maker thingie to showcase your model...is it a pain in the butt or ok? Is Zbrush's keyshot easier? Idk, I think it would be funny to make videos of the model shots, given we can't upload pics here anyways. There's only so much I'm will to learn to do stuff...

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@uedftus I think the scope looks like the better part of the gun. I'm still learning too, but from what I've been told so far, the model is more important than the texture. It's the Chloe Kardashian effect. Form can be made better with great textures, but great textures can't make a crappy model better. From my modeling courses now, it's in the details after the general forms are sketched out. Nothing can overcome badly blocked out forms. Then it's all details.


I solved the Damascus Steel problem:





To the guy that uses Marmoset Toolbag2™ I was wondering how difficult it was to set up the movie maker thingie to showcase your model...is it a pain in the butt or ok? Is Zbrush's keyshot easier? Idk, I think it would be funny to make videos of the model shots, given we can't upload pics here anyways. There's only so much I'm will to learn to do stuff...


Zbrush is incredibly easy to do that in. I personally wouldn't do it any other way.

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Form can be made better with great textures, but great textures can't make a crappy model better.


The more detail you put into the model, the more it taxes performance. The same could be said for textures but from a technical stance, you can use surface maps to get most of the detail done, without the performance hit that modeling those same details into the mesh would cause. It's a healthy balance I'd say. Both are equally important, but textures should hold most of the fine detail due to their inherent lower cost of performance.

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I'm working on a mod that adds in new signs and posters for settlements (Gruffydd's Signs and Posters).

Originally I was providing some textures to Tamayo831 for Business Settlements, but he said that he was stopping work until the GECK came out (he since changed his mind, and Business Settlements is still going strong), so to get my stuff out there I learned how to do the mesh/material stuff, and put out my own mod.

I'm having lots of fun with it, although some of the ways they set up the meshes to pull parts of a texture used by multiple sign shapes, or signs with multiple parts, can be frustrating when trying to retexture it to make a new sign.

I don't think this is a case of one person is doing X, so others shouldn't make a mod that does X, though. The more quality custom sign-work and posters that are out there, the more choices a player has in setting up the look and style of the settlements. The only thing that is really different about mine from what others doing similar work have made is that all of mine are custom textures that I've put together with GIMP, so you won't find them anywhere else (except for the ones that I sent to Tamayo831, if he decides to use them).

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Form can be made better with great textures, but great textures can't make a crappy model better.


The more detail you put into the model, the more it taxes performance. The same could be said for textures but from a technical stance, you can use surface maps to get most of the detail done, without the performance hit that modeling those same details into the mesh would cause. It's a healthy balance I'd say. Both are equally important, but textures should hold most of the fine detail due to their inherent lower cost of performance.



Oh, I absolutely agree, I meant in context to games, which are really low poly models, and I did say, you can't overcome a crappy use of volumes. Recently if I run into a model of mine at 13 mil polygons cause I wanted to polypaint, like a ding a ling, I quickly reduce that wackiness. I like to work in a high polygon version 1-3, maybe 5 mil polygon model, of the low poly model to add stuff I can project down or distill out as a normal map but, in Maya and stuff like that, the polygon counts are 1000xs lower than that, well maybe until I get good at sub d modeling, idk.


At the same time, I f'd up a 10k polygon blade model's uvs, and I worked all day to try and fix it and something is wrong that I can't figure out. It looks good in the uv editors and SP is making crap or something. I'm gonna make the blade again from scratch...



@Bacon If it's "easy" to do, it sure ain't easy to transfer the diffuse/gloss/spec map on to a model to then use Keyshot. Well I only saw a 10 min video on it, so, that could be it too...I looked at Marmoset Toolbag (it sounds dirty, idk y) and it's pretty straight forward. I go click diffuse, click normal, click gloss, click spec. Of course, I fk'd up the model I wanted to use and I don't want to use the incrementally saved one, cause it's too fat (yes, the blade was too thick) and I think, each time I do something, I do a better job.


(Apologies, but I have no other way I know to stick this in my signature...)

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Working on a PA texture mod. Just need to find a good tutorial on how to make them standalone. No idea how to go about it since this is my first retexturing for FO4.



Your other thread was responded too, Mr. Jerros. PAs may be a harder place to start given it has a palette and you don't just take a uv map and go into photoshop and copy and past some camo on it. Good luck though, and welcome, there's more tutorials now here than 2 months ago for sure.

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@Wenderer, MY LIFE is hardmode. I want funmode or something! Did you use Dark Souls as your muse? I used my "perfect foil," that's why I like fun mode.


I actually could not use Marmoset's Toolbag to see a render of my new knife...I'm gonna have to learn that too? crap.


Anyone want a knife like this? It's a type of blade I'd use in the wild:



I'd make it much more menacing if it's seems like a good idea.

It was to validate I didn't fk up my uvs while I model. Don't know what happened with the other one. I blame FBXs and Zbrush doesn't like them.


I'm considering making a 1911, cause in NYC, the land of victim disarmament, I can't have one. I call shenanigans. When the machete riots come here, it would be really useful to have one.

Edited by jeffglobal
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