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a few questions about Modelling and texturing


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okay question 1


-When you design a new model and texture for a weapon, do you have to handle the lighting aspects of it? e.g. how the light reflects off the weapon, and if so how?


question 2


-How are you supposed to tell which part of the weapon corresponds to a texture section in GIMP?

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Question 1:


Lighting is handled by the game engine, the specular map and the normal map. The specular map is stored in the normal map's alpha channel.




That would be the UV mapping. Its part of 3D modelling.



Fore more information you should look up basic modelling tutorials using whatever 3D modelling software you use on Google.

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Great! Thank you!


two more questions though


-how would you go about making a curved armour e.g. a 50s style power armour (by that I mean with a cylindrical helmet with a spherical visor, and semi-spherical pauldrons....you know I think a picture is worth a thousand words :psyduck:



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There are all sorts of tutorials around the net for modelling.


Basically you would import the Fallout body and skeleton.

Model your armor around that.

Remove the body.

Rig your armor to the skeleton.

Export your armor.

Tweak it in Nifskope.

Put it in game.


Armor is one of the most complicated things to model. That's why I focus mostly on architecture.

Armor requires modelling skills that take a lot of practice to build up. So I recommend you start simple and work your way up.

Learn the basics of modelling and texturing with online tutorials then learn how to get them into Fallout.

An important note: only Blender and 3ds max have good .nif exporters for Fallout.


PS. Google is your best friend. Most of this is just basic modelling.

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