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Help settlement quests on a loop


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Quests to help settlements with asking you for go kill ghoul and raiders holed up nearby, is on a loop. The same settlements keep starting the same quests, over and over again.


Finch Farm is the most offender. I have about 74 hours of gameplay, and it is really starting to annoy me.

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It wouldn't be so bad the way Bethesda has it set up, except that if you don't proceed along the main quest (if you like to dawdle and do other things, that is) then the Minutemen radiant quest start to get really spammy. Seriously, when you can have up to 3 of the things at any given time, have a 1-in-4 chance of getting one, and can only turn in one quest at a time....well, you'll always have three of them is what I'm saying. You start to feel just a little harried. There are mods out there that disable those quests completely, but I didn't think that was a good answer either...therefore I made mine to just ease up on things a bit.


I'll give you an example from a character I'm playing, and it's the reason I made the mod:


This particular character figured that it would be a good idea to have as many allies as possible before retaking the castle. Trouble is, these quests aren't weighted to discover and recruit brand new settlements, it's just completely random. So, like the OP states, that character wound up having to assist the same settlements again and again when by all logic they SHOULD have been able to start handling some things by themselves (considering the manpower, defenses, etc).

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The newest patch was supposed to fix this. Funny since I never had this problem until after the new patch was installed.


At one of my settlements a guy keeps making a bee-line toward me every time I go there. I know he wants to give me a spam quest (it happened the first time and I re-loaded and have avoided him since) and I keep running away from him while trying to get my settlement business done. It's almost comical... like trying to avoid a salesman or the local bum.


digitaltrucker your mod sounds good I'll have to check it out. Anything would be better than my current fix which is... RUN! :ohmy:

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I'm also getting this happening since that last patch! Seems everything they apparently 'fixed' in that update only started happening for me after the damn thing!

Somerville Place and County Crossing are the worst offenders for me. I'm really thinking now that my best bet (and something i wanna do anyway), is to move those settlers to another but i'm unsure if that would even work? digitaltrucker, you seem like you would know this :D

I don't know how those quests are generated, that's my problem. Are they picked at random from a list of currently populated settlements, or are they picked at random from a pre-determined list of settlements (pre-determined by whether they should have non-moveable settlers there)?

Obviously, if it's the second, then moving settlers that should be non-moveable will cause me problems down the line.


Moving them would be the best option for me, cause like i said, i did want to do that anyway, to keep my settlements to a minimum. But if that's not do-able i'll be adding your mod for sure! ha

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This is how the system works:


1) You have a 25% of getting a quest from listening to Radio Freedom, talking to Preston, being talked to by Preston, or having a settler talk to you. You can have up to 3 quests at any time.


2) When the game decides thou shalt have a quest it picks a settlement at random (it may be one you've already visited, maybe not).


3) Once it picks a settlement it picks an appropriate quest and assigns it to a settler from that settlement (if necessary). Be advised that regular settlers and Provisioners can be assigned. Be further advised that settlers that are not assigned a job can wander all over the Commonwealth, this means that it may assign a quest to a settler from Sanctuary but the settler may be literally anywhere on the map.


4) You talk to the settler or otherwise fulfill the quest. If by chance the settler you need to talk to dies before you can get the quest from them the quest will self-stop (and may automatically fail if it's a kidnapping).


There really is no accepting or denying a quest. You either do them or you don't. If you choose not to do a 'defend settlement X' quest you may not fail, but you probably will. If you finish the Minutemen questline (the Main Quest, in other words) the random quests will stop, but settlements can still suffer real-time attacks.


Final note: If there are no settlers at all in a settlement that you've already discovered and added to your list obviously you can have no radiant quests for that settlement since there won't be any settlers to assign it to (it may still get attacked, I suppose).


Final final note: Kidnappings occur BEFORE you get assigned the quest. This means that one of your settlers will mysteriously vanish, and until you're actually assigned the quest from the specific settler the game designates you to talk to everyone in that settlement will make comments about how much trouble they're in (but they won't tell you what the trouble is).

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It wouldn't be so bad the way Bethesda has it set up, except that if you don't proceed along the main quest (if you like to dawdle and do other things, that is) then the Minutemen radiant quest start to get really spammy. Seriously, when you can have up to 3 of the things at any given time, have a 1-in-4 chance of getting one, and can only turn in one quest at a time....well, you'll always have three of them is what I'm saying. You start to feel just a little harried. There are mods out there that disable those quests completely, but I didn't think that was a good answer either...therefore I made mine to just ease up on things a bit.


I'll give you an example from a character I'm playing, and it's the reason I made the mod:


This particular character figured that it would be a good idea to have as many allies as possible before retaking the castle. Trouble is, these quests aren't weighted to discover and recruit brand new settlements, it's just completely random. So, like the OP states, that character wound up having to assist the same settlements again and again when by all logic they SHOULD have been able to start handling some things by themselves (considering the manpower, defenses, etc).

My friend, I said: "It's NOT a bad mod, BUT..."

As in, to ME it's not an interesting mod.

One misses out on too much, IMHO, most important: exp. to me.

You did not have to defend yourself, my friend... :smile:

Never meant any disrespect or disapproval, au contraire.

Many seem to use your mod, this to me would mean it is a bloody good one.

It's like Jazz, I despise Jazz, I hate Jazz with such passion, even the worst Sith Lord could learn from me when it comes to hatred (jk rofl).

But i won't EVER say it's bad.

I could not, thousands upon thousands upon thousands that adore Jazz.

But it's simply not for me.


Proof that your mod is really wanted: just look in here, these quests seem to drive many a player insane, so hell, it's a bloody darned good mod.

Juuuuust not to me. XD


Merely saying, ol' chum. :wink:


BTW: I play in "Hardcore In Extremis", I do not ever save until the end of my gaming session.

And I just had another brutal death (got overrun by 12 or more Deathclaw, two of them Legendary (and I use the Harder Legendary Bosses mod combined with MoreSpawns).

Which is why I hopped in here to read up.

But this means I have to AGAIN roll me a character (I DO have a save in V111, just before the exit), and I am thinking to even try your mod.

After a thousand and probably even more of these Minutemen quests, it becomes to be... well... BORING... XD

I'd like to advance a tad further for once. ;)

So, yes, I'm going to give your mod a run...

Edited by Klipperken
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This is how the system works:


1) You have a 25% of getting a quest from listening to Radio Freedom, talking to Preston, being talked to by Preston, or having a settler talk to you. You can have up to 3 quests at any time.


2) When the game decides thou shalt have a quest it picks a settlement at random (it may be one you've already visited, maybe not).


3) Once it picks a settlement it picks an appropriate quest and assigns it to a settler from that settlement (if necessary). Be advised that regular settlers and Provisioners can be assigned. Be further advised that settlers that are not assigned a job can wander all over the Commonwealth, this means that it may assign a quest to a settler from Sanctuary but the settler may be literally anywhere on the map.


4) You talk to the settler or otherwise fulfill the quest. If by chance the settler you need to talk to dies before you can get the quest from them the quest will self-stop (and may automatically fail if it's a kidnapping).


There really is no accepting or denying a quest. You either do them or you don't. If you choose not to do a 'defend settlement X' quest you may not fail, but you probably will. If you finish the Minutemen questline (the Main Quest, in other words) the random quests will stop, but settlements can still suffer real-time attacks.


Final note: If there are no settlers at all in a settlement that you've already discovered and added to your list obviously you can have no radiant quests for that settlement since there won't be any settlers to assign it to (it may still get attacked, I suppose).


Final final note: Kidnappings occur BEFORE you get assigned the quest. This means that one of your settlers will mysteriously vanish, and until you're actually assigned the quest from the specific settler the game designates you to talk to everyone in that settlement will make comments about how much trouble they're in (but they won't tell you what the trouble is).



Most helpful thing i've read all day!


I think i'm probably gonna do both then, move the settlers but then add your mod. Cause i want to move them, but would imagine moving the settlers would make the problem worse (if the game has less settlements to pick from with settlers).



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It wouldn't be so bad the way Bethesda has it set up, except that if you don't proceed along the main quest (if you like to dawdle and do other things, that is) then the Minutemen radiant quest start to get really spammy. Seriously, when you can have up to 3 of the things at any given time, have a 1-in-4 chance of getting one, and can only turn in one quest at a time....well, you'll always have three of them is what I'm saying. You start to feel just a little harried. There are mods out there that disable those quests completely, but I didn't think that was a good answer either...therefore I made mine to just ease up on things a bit.


I'll give you an example from a character I'm playing, and it's the reason I made the mod:


This particular character figured that it would be a good idea to have as many allies as possible before retaking the castle. Trouble is, these quests aren't weighted to discover and recruit brand new settlements, it's just completely random. So, like the OP states, that character wound up having to assist the same settlements again and again when by all logic they SHOULD have been able to start handling some things by themselves (considering the manpower, defenses, etc).

My friend, I said: "It's NOT a bad mod, BUT..."
As in, to ME it's not an interesting mod.
One misses out on too much, IMHO, most important: exp. to me.
You did not have to defend yourself, my friend... :smile:

Never meant any disrespect or disapproval, au contraire.
Many seem to use your mod, this to me would mean it is a bloody good one.
It's like Jazz, I despise Jazz, I hate Jazz with such passion, even the worst Sith Lord could learn from me when it comes to hatred (jk rofl).

But i won't EVER say it's bad.

I could not, thousands upon thousands upon thousands that adore Jazz.

But it's simply not for me.


Proof that your mod is really wanted: just look in here, these quests seem to drive many a player insane, so hell, it's a bloody darned good mod.
Juuuuust not to me. XD


Merely saying, ol' chum. :wink:


BTW: I play in "Hardcore In Extremis", I do not ever save until the end of my gaming session.
And I just had another brutal death (got overrun by 12 or more Deathclaw, two of them Legendary (and I use the Harder Legendary Bosses mod combined with MoreSpawns).
Which is why I hopped in here to read up.

But this means I have to AGAIN roll me a character (I DO have a save in V111, just before the exit), and I am thinking to even try your mod.

After a thousand and probably even more of these Minutemen quests, it becomes to be... well... BORING... XD
I'd like to advance a tad further for once. :wink:

So, yes, I'm going to give your mod a run...





No offense taken, and I wasn't disputing; merely explaining my reasoning behind creating the mod. I wanted a choice somewhere between being nagged incessantly and not having any at all ;) There's at least two other mods that pretty much disable them entirely (one of them makes it so you can only get the quests directly from generic settlers). I'm hoping that with more research and maybe a bit of help when the G.E.C.K. comes out I can actually add logic filters to the quests so that how you build and improve settlements affects what quests you get and when. Trouble is, I don't have a whole lot of time on a daily basis so this is more-or-less a quick and dirty solution.


As far as what the latest patch allegedly fixes, I think it basically shuts down the radiant quests once you finished the Minutemen/Main Quest lines. That's fine, but a lot of my characters like to putz around. I've got over 500 hours in the game between several characters and haven't even stumbled across the Atom Cats yet with any of them, if that gives you any idea of the insanity I engage in. I hope to see Liberty Prime someday as well *chuckle*

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