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Fallout - Through Dust and Bones


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There's a distinct lack of activity here, which is sad because Roleplaying is fun and provides a great writing exercise.




2280. The wastelands of Alaska


The Cold Wasteland, a place ruled by the man calling himself King Saturn, Masked Leader of the Coldlands. Holding off all manner of aggression from the Canadian Brotherhood, Tribals and other threats to the metropolis known as Greater Anchorage; King Saturn rules the Coldlands with his Golden Fist - veteran mutants who reformed under Saturn's tutelage, finding a new enlightenment as the Elite forces of the Masked Leader. Life isn't easy though - tribes still fight, raiders are always a bother and civil war looms on the horizon. When the Canadian Brotherhood tried to take the Coldlands, King Saturn fought back, using the enviroment against the unprepared Brotherhood. Though their homeland was safe again, the loss was great. Saturn's own advisors and cabinet can no longer take him seriously save his two most trusted. His generals, mayors and bureaucrats don't have any faith in his abilities...all that's left is his Golden Fist, tied to him through religious conviction. The Saturnian Forces, once the only thing defending Greater Anchorage until the Mutants showed up, now doubt their leader as he too loses trust in them. The people are delusional, looking on to their future with uncertainty. While dissent brews, a new threat has arisen against King Saturn's leadership...and the fate of the Coldlands.


Now what will you do about it?


Now I'll lay out some rules - this is about to get very wordy, so bare with me




1. No Godmodes. No bulls***.

Do I really need to explain? Be realistic here - you're not Superman or Wolverine, you're a realisticly strong/weak character. A bullet to the leg will likley slow you down, a bullet to the brain could very much kill you. You cannot dual wield miniguns nore carry an impossible arsenal, even if its valid by Fallout standards. Think of a more realistic world blending with the lore of Fallout, and you get the idea.


2. The Writing Style

Unlike most RPs, you have to adopt a more visual writing method. This will be to keep the writing clear and concise, while allowing us to tell who's saying what, how they're saying it and more importantly, differentiate between player characters and npcs. Nothing to complex of course - here's an example using my RP character Hoage:


Hoage walks cautiously down the empty street, knifespear kept ready. Something stirs in the air, he can feel it against his skin - the veteran's eyes narrowing as the wind howls.



Where are you...


Up above him, Dirty Clyder slowly leers out from behind crumbling shelter. Clyder's foot creaks against a brick


Hoage stops. He smirks, keeping his gaze directly ahead.


Hoage (under his breath)

Got ya...


Clyder carefully pulls out his machete, eying the agitated Hoage.


The vet pounds the spear base against the ground, kicking up dust.


Hoage (shouting)

I'm gonna find you! You can't hide forever Clyder!


Clyder (barely quiet)

Dumb old f***...


The dirty raider chuckles as he leaps from his position, coming down on Hoage -


Who quickly drops himself, keeping the spear upright as Clyder falls right into it with a shock.


Blood drips onto Hoage's shoulder as he slams Clyder's body onto the ground and twists the knifespear.


Hoage (gritting teeth)

Should've known better...


He yanks it out, glaring at the dead raider before him.



One down...



As you can see, in dialouge you have Player Characters' name in bold and Underlined, and NPC's names simply bold. First time you introduce a relavant character in each post, whether its your own, another player's or an NPC, you do the bold/underlining. This also helps other players know if your characters are interacting, for instance -


Hoage dodges gun and laserfire, running from cover to cover until reaching what's left of a diner. A plasma blast blows a chunk out of the wall, throwing Hoage to the floor -


Through the smoke, he spots Jimmy holding off the advancing forces


Hoage (shouting)

Jimmy! Plasma Caster on your ten!


As you can see, another player can easily tell now if you're referring to them. You'll also notice how I put a description of how the character says the line - this is purely for effect and entirely optional.


3. Character submission.

This should be simple, but I should get it out of the way.


First, you'll fill out the form bellow.



Character No. # (Maxium of two allowed, must inform me if you wish to include a second. I might just let you pass a third through if necassary. If character dies, then you're permitted to submit a replacement)

Character Name:

Age: If the character is a Mutant or Ghoul, also list since when they were afflicted - if they're not supposed to know (as might be the cast with Super Mutants) put a question mark.

Build: Skinny/Lightweight/Mediumbuild/Ripped/Buff/Tank (Super Mutants only)/Chubby/Fat/Obese

Height: Child/Short/Medium/Tall/Towering (SM Only)

Species: Human/Ghoul/Super Mutant

Race: Human - White/Black/Hispanic/Asian Ghoul - Regular/Glowing + Former human race - Mutant - 1st Gen/2nd Gen/Nightkin

Appearence: Physical appearence, does not include clothes/jewlery but can include tattoos/prosthetics/etc

Outfit: You can give multiple outfits for your character, especially if it relates to their history or such

Personal Belongings: Optional. If the character carries or yearns for a certain item, put it here.

Skills: Much like tag skills, list the three skills they're best at and two to four lesser skills which are at least above average.

Weaknesses: Here you list things like phobias, old injuries or disabilities, severe allergies, personality and psychological flaws.

Starting Weapons: Don't go crazy here. No heavy weapons. Starting weapon restrictions will be outlined in the post.


History: Provide a little background to your character, and maybe fit it within the setting somehow.



Now where you're done with the form, send it out to me via PM. If you have any queries regarding the form or anything to do with this RP, post em here in the thread. Now if I think your character is well thought out for the story I'll include their name alongside your username in a list on this thread.


4. Weapon System



In the interest of Balance, a simple system will be kept in place to ensure nobody starts out as a one man army. This means your character carries a realistic amount of weapons too!


Every Character, save for Super Mutants, has 20 space points. These are used to organise the starter weapons. No heavy weapons are allowed as starters, but can be acquired during the story. The classes and weight values are as follows:

Long Weapons: 8 Points. These include Snipers, Assault Rifles, Wattz Laser rifles, P-94 and Urban Plasma rifles, Multiplas Rifles, Hunting Shotguns and Crossbows.

Pistols: 3 Points. These include Revolvers, 9mm, 10mm and .45 auto pistols, as well as AEP, Magneto, Plasma and Recharger pistols.

One Handers: 5 Points. Includes .44 Magnums, Plasma Defenders, .233 Pistols, Sawn-off shotguns, 9/10mm and other one handed SMGs and Deagles.

Medium Weapons: 6 points. Lever Action, riot and stubby shotguns, AER Rifles, Lever Action weapons, and two-handed SMGs (such as the 12.7mm).

Grenades: 2 Points. A single batch of 'barely enough' grenades - includes frag, plasma, laser-shredder and pulse grenades.

Small Melee: 3 Points. Includes Crowbars, Knives, Monkey Wrenches, Throwing Weapon sets, and Batons

Medium Melee: 5 points. Includes Swords, Baseball bats, Shishkebabs, and Machetes.

Big Melee: 7 Points. Includes Super Sledges, Fire Axes, Thermic Lances and Spears.


This is a hell of a lot simpler than my old system.


Also, SuperMutants get five extra points for a total of 25. However, bare in mind that lighter characters are expected to show more agility than heavier, stronger characters. If you're gonna play a supermutant and start pulling off backflips...well that wouldn't be cool. Likewise, I don't expect a lightweight to withstand much direct trauma, but would be totally fine with them parkouring through a situation...though I won't accept them turning into spiderman. Remember your character's build and height, and keep them behaving at a reasonable level.


Allowed Weapons -

Asides from Canon weapons from FO3 and NV, I will allow certain suggestions if I think they can fit in with the lore, whether by historical accuracy or look. Check here first to see if your weapon is listed - it will have an alternate 'Fallouty' name, but I won't get mad if you still call it by its real name (or RL nickname) every now and again - ie, calling something an AK, SigSauer or whatever.


Ak74-u ---> Chinese SMG

Medium Weapon class, a compact alternative to the Chinese Assault Rifle

Ref Image



Long Weapon Class. Interchangeable ammo, possibly home-built.


Ruger AC556K ---> Winter Combat Rifle

Long Weapon Class. Standard weapon as used by the Coldlands Regulators.

Ref Image 1 Ref Image 2


Calico M105 ---> Lightweight Rifle

Medium Weapon Class. .22 calibre combat rifle produced in Greater Anchorage and usually in the possession of Rover Scouts

Ref Image


Desert Eagle ---> Magnum Pistol/Deagle

One Hander. High powered combat pistol.


Podbyrin 9.2mm ---> Rusky Gun

One Hander, as seen in Red Heat. A carry over from the Anchorage Reclamation, after the great war many of these highly irradiated pistols were raided from abandoned chinese outposts, and can still pack a punch

Ref image


Skorpion ---> .32 SMG

One Hander. Russian SMG used by lower-ranked chinese forces during the anchorage reclamamation


Browning Hi-Power ---> Royal 9mm

Pistol, British origins


SVD Dragunov/Norinco NDM 86 ---> Chinese Sniper Rifle

Long Weapon, not too hard to find in the Coldlands


The allowed weapons list wll be continually updated with suggestions.


5. Current Players


Majik Moshos


Character No. # 1

Character Name: Hoage

Age: 51

Build: Medium

Height: Tall

Species: Human

Race: Causcasian

Appearence: Rugged face, flat, meaty nose. Grayed hair, receeding slightly. Long fading sideburns, faint scars on cheeks, nose and neck. Right forearm burnt and scarred, a reminder of a time long ago.

Outfit: An old tan-brown shirt, milatary grade, sleeves rolled up. Adorned by a worn-out brown breastplate. Khaki Cargo pants w/side pouches and a holster. Black & Grey Biker boots with a .32 snub nose hidden in a strap.

Personal Belongings: Nothing more than memories.

Skills: Tag: Guns, Survival, Unarmed. Secondary: Melee, Explosives

Weaknesses: With Guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder, he has difficulty forming attatchments to others.

Starting Weapons: 9mm Pistol, .32 Snub Nose, Combat Knife.


History: A wandering soul with no home. He's seen countless friends fall, betrayed by all manner of scum. Throughout his later life he's sevred in mercanary companies, worked as a gun for hire, bodyguard and even a lowly bouncer for caps, usually spending it all on the poor. He tries his hardest to make sure today's generation is better off than he was. To have the childhood he never had.


On hearing word from an old friend desperate for help, he makes his way for the Coldlands. What is to come will be his greatest test yet.




Fenix HuN


Character No.:1

Character Name: Fenix

Age: 21

Build: Medium-build

Height: Short

Species: Human

Race: White

Appearence: Around 5'8 tall, averagely built young man, with a short, blonde hair, grey eyes, normal-sized, straight nose, and a scar on his left cheek.

Outfit: Long-sleeved Talon Company Combat armor, a black head scarf, and black/grey combat boots.

Personal Belongings: none, or at least not decided yet.

Skills: Primary: Explosives, EXPLOSIVES!, Guns, Melee. Secondary: Lockpick, Survival

Weaknesses: Rash & impatient through his youth, he never thinks twice and has an awful habit of getting himself in trouble.

Starting Weapons: Chinese SMG (AK-74u) with 2 clips left, 2 Frag grenades, a C4 charge, a 9mm Pistol, and a combat knife


History: He was found and raised by Talon Company mercs, when they raided a small settlement. There, he was trained to be an explosives specialist; every good mercenary company needs one. He also received some training in fighting, and surviving in the wastes.

He was sent on his first true "mission" when the company received a conract to kill a man in the Coldlands, however his team got massacred by Super Mutants. He would have died too, if Hoage hadn't pass by and save him. Fenix wanted to follow him to repay his dept, but their ways soon parted. Now, he is still in the Coldlands, trying to carry out the contract alone, in hopes for a massive reward by the contractor. Maybe, they'll meet again, and Fenix will have a chance to repay Hoage.





Character No. 1

Character Name: William

Age: Unknown but was born before The War

Build: Normal

Height: Medium

Species: Ghoul

Race: Regular ghoul

Appearence: Has numerious of scars one going across his right eye.

Outfit: Old warn combat armor with words 66 written in yellow on the back

Personal Belongings: Pip-Boy explained in history.

Skills: Greater skills: Long range rifle shooting, Computers, knowledge of Vaults and vault technology. Lesser: Wasteland survival, lockpick, and repair

Weaknesses: He has very bad vision sometimes making careless descisions with his sniper rifle.

Starting Weapons: Very old and warn sniper rifle still with mysterious 66 written on top of it. Sub-machine gun, a knife and a small laser pistol.


History: He one day woke up in a junkyard, his old rifle still beside him. He had no idea what happend and how much time has passed but he knew he was here. His only memory was falling in this

ditch. He looked at his hand to realize his clear skin was gone, the radiation turned him into a ghoul. He could remember laughter and a Vault but he couldn't put it together. He checked the ammo

of his rifle to see only one bullet left. He shot a nearby mutated rabbit that he fed himself. He was still shocked of what had happend. (story will be revield further during RP progress)





Character No. # 1

Character Name: Carter

Age: 22

Gender: male

Build: between buff and ripped

Height: Medium 1.6 meters

Species: Human

Race: White

Appearance: several scars from bullet wounds, a large tattoo of a deathclaw holding a human in chains on his back, dark hair, hazel eye colour, a thick Russian style beard

Outfit: black "hobo" gloves, Russian guard hat, winterized combat armor, 12gage ammo belt, thermal overalls, a dirty brown patchy overcoat

Personal Belongings: Custom tools for weapon repairs and mechanical work, A leather collar with a tag reading "Lucy", 12ga Full Steel jacket slugs and 'Payday' coinshots, and flasks of Vodka...lots of Vodka...

Skills: Tag; guns, repair, melee. Secondary; medicine ,survival

Weaknesses: is autistic(speech and reading ability affected) ,

several old broken bones, several old gunshot wounds, heavily addicted to vodka

Starting Weapons: fire axe, Sawn-off single 12gage shotgun, knife, bull .480 revolver named "hole punch"(blacked out, slightly lower fire rate but more accrete also a slightly longer barrel)


History: raised by a northern tribe of slavers, at the age of seven he underwent his first "trail" which included having both legs broken and then left to die out in the wastes with nothing but the cloths on his back, a knife and a gun with a single round in it. At the age of eleven he was given his first slave.


When he was twenty those monsters bearing the flag of the Masked King came and killed his slave and his tribe wile he was out scaving for ammo and meds, ever since that day he has been hunting down those that took his family away



6. NPC's and Bosses


For the sake of interest we have NPC's - they allow us to develop our characters with further exposition and show off a degree of writing skill together with the improvisation normally assosciated with Roleplaying. Now, it may not have been clear at this point....But ANYONE can create NPC's and won't need to make a profile for them. You will have sole ownership of this NPC, though other players can still write simple lines and minor actions if engaging in conversation or interaction, as long as the dialouge and actions aren't plot critical (ie some player suddenly making your NPC their character's father would be a no-no), but exchanging a 'hello' or say, asking about another character's whereabouts or situation, as well as current plot details is ok - as long as it fits the NPC, since if they shouldn't know the information at hand or would have a reason to withhold it (unless your character has tagged speech) would be, again, a bit of a no-no. Also, if the player owning the NPC wishes you to alter a line so it fits the character more, then do so out of respect. I'll let simple slip ups slide as long as you remember to edit them later.


Some NPC's also work as Bosses - when you bring a boss challenge on a player, they'll have permission to control the NPC(s) their character will be fighting against - that is, writing dialouge and action between the characters.


Now the thing about Bossfights is that a) they don't always have to end in one post and b) they don't always have to end with the character killing the boss


The player who brings a boss challenge on another player must announce it at the end of his RP with Bolded asterix symbols, alongside rules like how long the situation must go for and whether or not the challenged player is permitted to kill the boss. ie *You are now in a bossfight against Bad Guy 1 - In your next three posts you MUST kill him, and spectacularly too.*


I'd also suggest sending a personal message and perhaps placing a post in the announcement thread if you want to be sure they get the memo. However, I might change this rule at a later date so that only Hosts (such as myself) can create boss challenges.


You should know by now that NPC's have their name in BOLD. But, NPC's who are minor to to story (background characters, grunts, generic raiders) will not have any bolding applied to their name. You can do whatever you want to these sorts of characters as long as they don't pull something too drastic. Think of them as generic goons for our characters can fight or interact with to keep the RP interesting, and action-packed.


Finally, side stories can be written in your post using NPC's that might be away from the immediate action. This is a great way to build up background stories and the overarching main story.


Anyway, here's a quick list of current NPC's, their status, and the players who own them. Note that at times an NPC can have joint or universal ownership between one or more players (or all players).



Brier - Universal

A former Golden Fist mutant, responsible for the victory against the Canadian Brotherhood.



Sordo - MajikMoshos

An aggressive Golden Fist Sarge, now upgraded with a cybernetic arm, Epidermal Ceramic Weave and a forged steel scalp-plate.



Kard/Id/Dark - MajikMoshos

A troubled nightkin and Sordo's partner. His current personalities are Id; a primal beast, and Dark; a sadistic, calculating menace.



Petra - MajikMoshos

Thirteen year old girl, who saw Brier as her Father.



Aaron - MajikMoshos

Petra's eight year old brother, also seeing Brier as his father, suffering from a mysterious affliction requiring constant treatment.



Izek - FenixHuN

Hoage's old war buddy...and Fenix's original target. Considered a 'medicine man' by most, he is the only known source of Aaron's treatment.



Mr Freija - FenixHuN



King Saturn - MajikMoshos

The Masked King, lord of the Coldlands.



Taurus - MajikMoshos

Commander of the Golden Fist, a super-mutant who possess greater human features than his men.



Mai - MajikMoshos

Governess of Greater Anchorage and part of Saturn's Elite Cabinet, chinese-american.



Quon - MajikMoshos

A chinese ghoul and the lead scientist of Saturn's research division.



Qochata - MajikMoshos

An influential Clan Leader in the Alaskan Tribal Nation.



7. Have fun.

Now let's move on to the story! Sound off any issues or criticisms bellow!

Edited by MajikMoshos
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I'll start with my character's profile


User: Majik Moshos


Character No. # 1

Character Name: Hoage

Age: 51

Build: Medium

Height: Tall

Species: Human

Race: Causcasian

Appearence: Rugged face, flat, meaty nose. Grayed hair, receeding slightly. Long fading sideburns, faint scars on cheeks, nose and neck. Right forearm burnt and scarred, a reminder of a time long ago.

Outfit: An old tan-brown shirt, milatary grade, sleeves rolled up. Adorned by a worn-out brown breastplate. Khaki Cargo pants w/side pouches and a holster. Black & Grey Biker boots with a .32 snub nose hidden in a strap.

Personal Belongings: Nothing more than memories.

Skills: Tag: Guns, Survival, Unarmed. Secondary: Melee, Explosives

Starting Weapons: 9mm Pistol, .32 Snub Nose, Combat Knife.


History: A wandering soul with no home. He's seen countless friends fall, betrayed by all manner of scum. Throughout his later life he's sevred in mercanary companies, worked as a gun for hire, bodyguard and even a lowly bouncer for caps, usually spending it all on the poor. He tries his hardest to make sure today's generation is better off than he was. To have the childhood he never had.


On hearing word from an old friend desperate for help, he makes his way for the Coldlands. What is to come will be his greatest test yet.

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In regards to the weapons system, I might rework the it in a general 'point vaule' system instead. This would be based not on weight, but on the overall power of each weapon. So say you have 20 points to start with, then Snipers and Assault Rifles would be worth 8 points, shotguns 6, one handed guns 2, Grenades 1 etc etc...Of course grenades would be counted as a single bundle, with the amount always being 'just enough'. If someone starts going grenade crazy though, like say using countless grenades in the space of three consecutive posts, they'll get a warning.

There could also be bonuses and penalties based on build and race. Super Mutants get an extra three points, Buff gain 2, Lightweights lose 2 and anyone under skinny/chubby/overweight/obese suffering a drawback of 4 points. However Super Mutants also lose a primary tag skill, while Skinny/Chubby etc gain a primary that must be spent on a non-combat skill (Sceince, Lockpicking, Medicine etc). Meanwhile Ghouls would be expected to have minor regeneration and immunity from ferals, though as of now I can't really think of a drawback for them.


Also to reiterate on the Skill system: In my idea the way tag skills would work is to set up what your characters can and can't do - ie someone who doesn't at least have science as a secondary can't just hack any computer system, meanwhile someone with Science as a primary can do something like say, reprogram an autodoc or hack into a high-tech system. Likewise, I wouldn't allow a character to say, sew up a major wound unless they have Medicine as a secondary, or headshot a target from miles away unless they had an Anti-Material Rifle and Guns as a primary...actually even then that might be a bit OP in the interests of exciting entertainment. I want to see lots of creativity get put into this. And yes, it is kinda being treated like a tabletop game only without the dice rolls - just skill checks are your imagination. It might even be possile to purposely 'fail' a situation by virtue of not possessing the relevant skill. Anyway don't get caught up in asking me if your character can and can't do this or that - think it through yourself. I will check the posts and hopefully other members can keep notice to make sure users stick to their character's skill limits. Again, you can have your character purposely fail something if you want to add some drama.


Anyway, I'm gonna wait until I have the relevant amount of profiles ready to get the RP rolling. Good Luck.


Edit: Weapon system has been reworked, however all build types have the same amount of primary and secondary skills.

Edited by MajikMoshos
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could ypu please claifie the wepon point system in detale as well inquire into the skill allowances


as for the goul minis.... as a suggestion.. with high rads comes regeneration but also radeateing others also the chance of explodeing in a small mushroom cloud with high dammage also... super goul ducks :psyduck:

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could ypu please claifie the wepon point system in detale as well inquire into the skill allowances


as for the goul minis.... as a suggestion.. with high rads comes regeneration but also radeateing others also the chance of explodeing in a small mushroom cloud with high dammage also... super goul ducks :psyduck:


Alright, it's good that you asked about the point system.


Basically, you start with 20-25 points (as of the latest revision) for your starter weapons (that is, the weapons your character starts the story with). Think of them as weight, or a preorder pack (:)). Say a Character has (as a starter set) a winter combat rifle, a set of frag grenades and a set of throwing knives, and a 10mm Pistol, that would be:


8 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 16. Perfect. Now, once you've started playing you can add more weapons, but of course going overboard won't be tolerated ie. deciding to pick up a fatman that's just lying there. Think of your character as being in their early levels. Also pick your weapons according to your tag skills. That means advanced guns, melee or energy weapons shouldn't be in the hands of those who don't have the required tag skill, and a character who isn't stealthy at all (ie not as a tag or secondary) wouldn't have any reason to carry a stealthy pistol or throwing knife. Remember that Super Mutants get extra character space.


Non-weapon Items (stimpacks, chems, etc) are unimportant in terms of weight, as long as you don't have 50 stimpacks or a magical GECK, I'd be totally fine - Though items of note (such as say, a unique lighter, a photograph, family trinket, a 'mysterious key' etc) must be listed in personal belongings.


Now onto your point about the ghouls - Right now I don't think I'm gonna force much on players. All I'll say is that your characters must behave in a manner appropriate to their Build, Species (and race in special cases), History and tag skills.


I'll give an easy example Asterisks will denote points where I'd explain things.


*In this scenario, the imaginary roleplayers must stop a reactor meltdown from destroying the settlement above. The hypothetical players are Lightweight Agent, possessing agility provided by his build and a secondary skill in stealth, Big Mutant Guy who, like most mutants, possesses great strength, and Ghoul Scientist, a ghoul (and thus resistant to rads) who has the tag skill of science. These hypothetical character might have backstory's too - let's say Lightweight agent lost the love of his life in war and Ghoul Scientist*


Player A

Lightweight Agent, Big Mutant Guy and Ghoul Scientist stare down the massive reactor before them.


Lightweight Agent

Someone's gonna have to go in...


The reactor spins violently, explosions start rocking the place - Time's running short


Lightweight Agent

Save yourselves guys - I'll do this. I have nothing to lose...


Player B


Ghoul Dude steps in front of Agent


Ghoul Dude

No way...You've got a whole life ahead of you. Me? I can withstand this.


looks around with haste - spotting a control room high above the broken cat walks


Ghoul Scientist

Agent, see that control room? I think you can get up there. You can override the core shield and stop the leak - at least the people's water supply won't be poisoned no more.


*Since Ghoul scientist has tagged science and, of course, is a ghoul, then he can easily explain away how he'd survive the rads. Of course, it's entireley possible for the Agent to have pulled a heroic sacrifice if things were different. As the RP heats up, anything can happen to your characters, though that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep reading till the end*


He stares at the reactor with determination


Ghoul Scientist

Leave this to me...


Player A


Lightweight Agent grits his teeth


Lightweight Agent

Dammit...Alright, I'll get up there.


Using amazing agility, Agent runs up one wall, jumping off from that and grabbing onto the catwalk. He enters the high up door - suddenly a securitron wheels in. Jumping into the shadows, Agent pulls out the pulse pistol - taken off the Enclave commander. He wastes no time to plug the securitron - it never sees him coming. Sneaking under the cameras, he reaches the terminal overlooking the reactor and types away. It's not a hard terminal at all, Agent cracking through in no time.


Lightweight Agent

I hope this works...


He hits enter. The screen lights up -


"Core Shield override active. Sealing Units..."


Agent signals the others down below


*See, here the Lightweight Agent uses his advantage provided by build to parkour his way onto the catwalks, and then thanks to his secondary skill in sneak evades the Securitron and cameras. However, the way he handles the terminal is a bit iffy, another player or the Host could call him out on it - PLayer A could've had the Agent pull a giant lever instead, and it would've been fine*


Player B


Ghoul Scientist approaches the reactor


Ghoul Scientist

Here goes....


He steps into the green glow. It burns, but he's fine.


The control unit is before him, a terminal screen blinking.


Walking through the overwhelming rads, he starts typing away.


*Again, he's a ghoul so he can handle the rads, and since he boasts science as a tag he can handle a reactor's primary terminal*


Player A


Lightweight Agent clambers down back to Big Mutant Guy.


Explosions start shaking the place around. Agent nervously looks towards the reactor - he can barely see Ghoul Scientist in the ultra-bright glow.


Lightweight Agent

Let's get out of here!


Player C


big mutant guy grabs lightweight agent off the floor


big mutant guy

Gaaarrh NO! We're not leaving without Mr Scientist!


*Need I explain here? He's a mutant, of course he can lift a guy off the floor. Now if player C was to do something like rip the agent in half then that'd be uncalled for. Also note the speech mannerisms - these depend on what sort of mutant race you choose, with second gens being the stupider batch , first gens talking normally and being smarter and nightkin being crazy and likley schitzophrenics*


Player B


Cracking through the security locks, Ghoul Scientist pulls down the first lever. Almost there....


Player A


Agent's grips the Mutant's arm


Lightweight Agent

He went in there so I wouldn't throw my life away - you think he'd want you to as well?


The explosions get worse - things start falling apart, dirt and chunks of the ceiling falling all around the place.


Player B


Ghoul Scientist pulls down the last Lever. The reactor cools, the glow dieng down.


With a big sigh of relief he runs out - and spots Big Mutant Guy holding Lightweight agent in a grip


Ghoul Scientist

Jesus Christ guys stop the fighting!


Player C


Big mutant guy releases lightweight agent


big mutant guy

soorry guyz, but I...don't wanna be alone...all my life I've been lonley and it's hard and blah blah blah blah sad story yadda yadda


*monolouges are great and all if you wanna play up some exhibition, BUT remember that if they're in a situation where stuff if getting really critical then save it for a quieter time.*


Player A


Light weight agent sheds a tear.


Lightweight Agent

It's okay pal, we're here for you...always.


Suddenly there's a huge crack - a beam comes falling down on top of them


Player C


big mutant guy shoves Jumpy [/u ]and [u]Ghoul out of the way

The beam falls

he grabs it, keeping it from blocking the exit.


Big Mutant guy

Grrrr....run friends quickly!


with mighty strength, big mutant guy stresses under the giant beam, determined to hold it till his freinds can escape.


*Ah, since the mutant possess great strength, then of course he'll grab the beam in fall. Note that here he's set himself up for a heroic sacrifice where no other alternatives exist - no one else has such strength nor can they produce an item to hold up the beam because that would be silly. So, in instances like these you let players kill their characters off. Who knows, maybe they'll enter another character later OR in the 'sequel'. It's also not too hard for them to 'control' NPC's and the like either if they introduced them to the story and have permission*


Anyway, I hope this is a deep enough example. Have fun!

Edited by MajikMoshos
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I second anton's suggestion. Listing a major weakness would be great.


Like a devastating, towering, dual minigun-wielding super mutant who is allergic to nuts? :D


Seriously now, I think it's a great idea.

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Would be nice to have weaknesses as part of the application. Filling out the application right now.


Hmmm, it sounds like a pretty cool idea Anton. What did you have in mind?


I'm thinking 2 thing -


a) Basically list things like Phobias, old injuries or disabilities (your character has a limp, or one eye, or s/he's even blind), allergies, personality flaws (obssesive, selfish yada yada) etc.




b) A ridiculously simple system where you just label one or two skills as a weakness, ie weak speech or gun knowledge. Not too keen on this


I'll pick whatever's more popular unless someone can come up with an even better idea. I'll give you guys two days to choose, or I'll just go and pick one of these and incorporate it into the system if I don't get much response.


Anyway, I look forward to seeing some more applications!

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