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New LIs in Mass Effect 3


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Says you. Femshep all the way.

Yup! Can't see/hear any other than my own, who's been through it all. (TWICE now, since I wanted the extra achievements. :tongue: )


And like "My Warden", (but unlike "My Hawke") my Shepard has become personal to me in a way that other RPG PCs haven't. Not sure why, (yet...) But I have noticed and keep thinking on it. Story? Appearance? Investment in learning a new game system/world for the first time? Probably a combination of all of that.


I do believe that the ability to customize her appearance at the start, but then being locked-into that appearance for the duration (with ME, and with DA:O until long after I'd finished my first playthrough) had a significant impact on my attitude toward the character. She was mine, "warts and all", in a way that later ones haven't been. :turned:

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