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NPC not showing up

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Hi. I'm rather new to modding Oblivion and decided to run myself through the "My First Dungeon" tutorial in the Construction Set Wiki. I've run into problems with NPCs, though.


I want to first note that all other parts of my dungeon are working correctly. Oblivion is loading my .esp file. However, every time I load into the actual dungeon, the NPC I added is not there. I followed the directions word for word on the "Basic NPC Creation Tutorial" of the Construction Set Wiki, and can still not get it to load.


Every time I load the construction set, though, I do get a warning that says one of my Leveled Creatures "Contains Actors that process in Low". If anybody has any idea if these two things are related, or how to get my NPC runnin in game, I'd be very much appreciative. Thank you.

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Every time I load the construction set, though, I do get a warning that says one of my Leveled Creatures "Contains Actors that process in Low".

That would seem to indicate your NPC has Low Level Processing enabled, which is not supposed to be done for actors placed in leveled lists. Open your NPC in the CS and select the No Low Level Processing option. Also make sure there are no AI packages telling your NPC to be somewhere other than your dungeon.


As a side note, you may want to check out TES Alliance. They have the only modding classes available. The classes are very thorough (and a bit more detailed than the Wiki) and there are experts there that can help you if/when you get stuck.

Edited by The_Vyper
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  • 4 months later...
I've noticed this problem as well. I find if you base everything off the Player character, and check off "No Low-Level Processing", they show up. You might not need to duplicate from the player, but I've always done so and it works just fine. The player's name is Bendu Olo, by the way.
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The other fairly common cause of 'missing NPCs' is pathgrid problems. If no nodes are available close by on your dungeon's pathgrid (you did pathgrid the dungeon, right?) then in-game they may appear at the nearest available grid node, which may not be close to where you're looking for them.


Turn on pathgrids in the CS and see if they are close to a node, or in-game open the console (the tilde key, right below the Esc key on standard keyboards) while you are where you expect them to be and type 'tpg' without the quotes then hit enter and close the console by hitting tilde (~) again. You'll see your pathgrid and nodes (if there are any in the area). When you're done reopen the console and type 'tpg' again to toggle off pathgrids display.

Edited by Striker879
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