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New Texture mod WIP


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it is starting to get crowded in nurnie-ville.


im getting close to the end for the mesh part though. we will see how they behave when the rough drafts go in game.


still have a ton of little crap to do. steam stack has to be done completely over, but the one saving grace of blender is, it had some new features, like adding premade gears and pipes. so that should make that part easier.



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i was thinking, how hard would it be to script lightning strikes on the rods and things sticking off of the ruins? you know when a storm is brewing overhead and the lightning is already going. the trigger would be the weather, and the strike could actually be calculated by so many chances per so may time units, but instead of trying to make the lightning strike the towers, it could actually emit from whatever pointy or round thing (balls and lightning rods) are atop the ruins... and another thing i was thinking is an invisible trigger to add some foreboding to the ruins (mwahahahaha) as soon as the player gets close, and the weather is foggy or rainy or thundering, anything gloomy, the sky turns red and this increases the chance for lightning to strike... nothing like a dramatic entry...


and it would also be kind of cool to add things like that to some of the machinery in the ruins. kind of like a mad scientist laboratory or something.

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new steam stack. i ended up simply repairing the model with the prefab pipe fittings and got it to this point and just about saved when the power went out. battery was not in so i lost the work but easy to do over.


so now it is redone and saved.




still not sure about the emitters. i think steam is supposed to be pouring out of both the side vent and the top but i cant remember. if the emitters are gone then they have to be replaced somehow. so i will have to figure that out.

Edited by xander2077
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already an excellent statue replacer, i used it to make a broken version of the statue. i intend to retexture both with the same UVs. no need to really redo the details, just the textures. i have to figure out how to make it liik more like it is a coated stone statue, like bronze dipped stone. i also want to refine the beard to make the ornaments stand out more.



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Wow that was a lot to read lol serves me right for being too busy to come on here!


Everything looks great.


Lightning....had that very same conversation last week with my son who seems to think it wouldn't be possible to make it look any good. Wont stop me trying though lol


I will play with the idea shortly and see what happens although he may be right about it looking kak.


Getting the size right and the timing would prove quite difficult but that makes it more fun. Will have to actually mesh something that looks like lighting first.

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new observatory building. i wish there was a better way to do this, but being it is buried, and placed sticking out of the sides of mountains, i chose to just follow the original bounding box only with a better model that ties in to the new ruins. i tried to go for the steampunk/ old telescope look. i would really like to make it a dirty bronze texture. lore would say that it was not scavenged yet because locals believe opening up the walls would release an army of spheres and centurions. i think it would make a funny quest to have some skooma head or moon rocker come up and try and convince the player to join them on a scavenging mission only to find out they want to start salvaging bronze off the observatory, and if the player refuses they get a treat of getting to see the person fail and get chased off by spheres and centurions and then attacked. if they choose to help, they have to fight along side the idiot.



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Wow that was a lot to read lol serves me right for being too busy to come on here!


Everything looks great.


Lightning....had that very same conversation last week with my son who seems to think it wouldn't be possible to make it look any good. Wont stop me trying though lol


I will play with the idea shortly and see what happens although he may be right about it looking kak.


Getting the size right and the timing would prove quite difficult but that makes it more fun. Will have to actually mesh something that looks like lighting first.


meshing lightning would not be hard really. it only really needs to be flat. i forget how they did it for SWG, but i think it was several different meshes that would cycle like particles.

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Hopefully the one with the square door lol


Ok, going to test this....



Begin _SG_lightning
Short thundernow
Float timer
If (MenuMode == 1)
Return ; Don't run script if menu open
; Temp: Make sure we have correct weather for testing....
If (GetCurrentWeather != 5) ; Thunder
ChangeWeather "Sheogorad" 5
; Disable mesh if not thundering
If (GetDisabled == 0)
If (thundernow == 0)
; Enable mesh if it is thundering
If (GetDisable == 1)
If (thundernow == 1)
Set timer to (timer + GetSecondsPassed)
If (thundernow == 0)
If (timer == 5)
Set thundernow to 1
Messagebox, "It's lighning now"
If (thundernow == 1)
If (timer == 7)
Set thundernow to 0
If (timer == 15)
Set timer to 0
End _SG_lighning
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