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2 Colored skin error on some NPCs


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I've had this odd issue on Fallout 3 aswell, It seems to be triggered by mods that add more NPCs to spawn in certain areas, Populated wasteland, Marcs Mutant Mod, Warzone. Etc. It seems to be mostly on the raider types. and only seems to be affected by certain Outfits, mostly the Raider and Merc outfits.


Some NPCs will have 2 different skin colors, for example they will have a Hispanic tan on their head, but a African American body.


Here's a screenshot I took from Vegas off a dead Viper.




Aside from doing a sweep of mods, are there any suggestions how to fix this? I find that the whole thing is hit and miss, sometimes the NPCs are fine, other times they're messed up. I did have a skin improvement mod enabled, Turning it off didnt fix anything on future NPCs. And as I mentioned this bug was present on Fallout 3 aswell, and there were no skin mods on FO3, Nor was there any mod on Vegas that was also on FO3.


My first guess is to just wait a few days but it's kind of annoying. When facing NPCs wearing armor that covers up their whole body like an NCR uniform it doesnt matter, but outfits that have less covered up, it's quite obvious.


Most of my Mods are only things that are re-importing Fallout 3 content, like the R91 rifle, outcast armor, enclave armor etc. or mods that utilize only vanilla content,

Edited by Kastrenzo
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lol i had the same problem on Fallout 3 on xbox with the regulators all of them were the same way as the guy on the pic
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lol i had the same problem on Fallout 3 on xbox with the regulators all of them were the same way as the guy on the pic


Yes I had the problem on Fallout 3 aswell, although it wasnt restricted to regulators. I just found it strange since I played Fallout 3 for a long time before I even installed the first mod.


And to the comment before that, I'll try that. changing the load order lowered the frequencey of screwed up NPCs, but it was still around in others

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