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i don't know if i post on the right place, so move it if it's necessary.

I wanted to share my videos about DAO and romances with Nexus 's people because i took mods here and they are wonderful.

It's another way for me to thanks again Nexus modders who are doing a excellent work.

So here is my YouTube page:




PS: sorry if my english is'nt very good, i hope you understand me.

Edited by isie042
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Welcome, isie042!


Don't worry, your English is quite good enough. :biggrin:


Posting a link to your youtube videos is fine.

You can even embed them directly into a post here.


Just use the [ media ]...[ /media ] tags with http: // www.youtube.com/watch?v=..........." between them,

and your specific videoID after the "v=".


(Without the spaces inside the "[ ]" or the url, of course. :laugh: )


For example:




Looking forward to seeing more of your work! :thumbsup:

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Thanks a lot Thandal.

I tried to do what you said but i still have only a link instead of a picture.

I'll try to do it again when i ll post a new video (it's not finish, i m too found of this game :biggrin: )

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I understand. DA can be... addicting! :teehee:


If you click the "Reply" button on my post above, you'll see the exact format of the [tag]...[/tag] that puts the youtube video into that post. The only thing you should have to change for yours in the videoID (the set of characters after the "v=" in the url.)


Good Luck :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everybody :smile:

I made a new video with Zevran and lady Coustland.


I finally bougth a video editing software to make better videos.

I can make sympatiques things with this soft.

Hope you'll like it. It's in french but you can easily understand if you played the game.

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Salut, Isie -- bon de vous voir ici. Je vois aussi que vous avez été occupé ! J'essaie un outil libre de traduction, donc s'il fait des choses indescriptibles dans votre langue, s'il vous plaît me permettre de savoir ! A propos, quelle armure utilisez-vous sur votre PC et Zevran ? J'aime vraiment que ce soit si noir.


You're now using Adobe Elements 9 and Magix in addition to Windows Movie maker, right? You seem to be really getting the hang of this--I've been keeping an eye on your DAO and ME videos on You Tube.

Edited by FastBlackCat
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Hello FastBlackCat,

happy to see you too. The translation is good, i understand.

I took the armor of Zev and warden here. I needed to open the console to make it appear in black.

To edit the video, i only used Elements 9. I tried Magix only for titles (better than elements 9).

Happy you like my videos :biggrin:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello ,


here is a new video with 24 of my females wardens (all made with the toolset).



What do you think about? Are they pretty or ugly?


I want to thanks again modders.

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Good series of videos I particually liked hearing what the French version of the characters sounded like . Good work and might be best to use the Nexus Dragon Age image share site to post a picture of your video then a link to it there as it may get more viewers :)



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