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Weapon & Slight Quest Modder Wanna Try?


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Our adventurer (Player) walks into Ivarstead to find a man leaning against a pole inside of Vilemyr Inn. The man says nothing, but gives the adventurer a piece of paper. The paper points to South Brittleshin Pass out on the adventurer's Map and says the following:


Been stalking these fangs since Windhelm and they seem to finally be

close enough that I can sleep and not lose them. Unfortunately they are

relatively close to two towns and two cities.

They need to be handled as soon as I wake, or we could lose quite a few

more lives to them. Jorleif's upfront payment will cause some serious

retribution for Wildhelm's losses. These swords are so light, I can't

believe I walked all the way here with them unsheathed.

Time to sleep and prepare for the quarrel.



Base Damage: 13

Weight: 8

Base Value: 1720

Class: One-Handed, Sword

Upgrade Material: Quicksilver Ingot

Perk: Ebony Smithing

Enchantment: Silent Moons Enchant (20)

Melee Attack Speed (40%)


Sliver Swords use Ebony Stats (except weight) but Quicksilver to Upgrade.

Black Leather Wrapped Handles, with Thorn-like Spikes slightly coming from

the Blade Base & Hilt. A very simple, Black Leather Sheath holds the

Sliver Swords perfectly to the wearer's back (or waist w/out Dual Sheath Redux).

And obviously, Vampires are the enemy & now carrying the Sliver Swords that

once belonged to our dead Bountyhunter. The swords were given to the

Bountyhunter as upfront payment due to the hunter's success rate has always

been amazing in Windhelm, but apparently being out of his region got the

better of him.

So anyone up for it?

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