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Un-Modded Oblivion not working


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The specs on your system show an open PCIe slot that you can install a video board in. Get either an ATI or Nvidia based graphics board with at least 1G of video ram built in. Costs will run from about US$60 to astronomical (US$800) Be sure to get one that has a plug to fit your monitor cable (most new ones will have HDMI, and either DVI or VGA. OR DVI & VGA. Some mid price $150 & up will have 2 video outputs that can be used for either 2 monitors or a monitor and a TV.


Stay away from the more powerful video cards as your power supply will probably not support them - HP, as well as the other inexpensive manufacturers tend to skimp on their power supplies and they are barely powerful enough to run what they come installed with. I wasn't able to find what power supply it comes with so I don't know how much extra power you have to work with.


Some video cards require an extra power connection, so be sure to check if the one you pick does, and if so, be sure you have the proper connection from your power supply.


Be sure to turn the on board video OFF in the BIOS when you install a new board. :thumbsup:

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I can't get my computer to ever use more than 100mb in the page file, and that is all system. nanobuds has 1007mb in page when he printed that. o_O I don't know if dual core at 1.8ghz equals out to 2ghz requirement, or if 256mb of shared video memory. I don't believe your laptop meets the full requirements to even run Oblivion. :(
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