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Fallout 4 Beta Update and DLC, Creation Kit News


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They found a new way to break my game with the latest update. :rolleyes:


I have a 3 monitor set up with the primary which is larger in the center. After the update it started up fine like always, then after about 30 seconds into the game a Windows message that Windows didn't think my resolution was right and offering to change it for me to a much lower setting. I clicked the no thanks and don't ask me again option - and the screen went black. Clicking in the icon and pressing esc finally got it back - but now on my right hand screen (#3) but with the size of the larger screen - so parts were cut off. Reboot did nothing. Disconnected #3. Now the game is running on #2, the left monitor. Disconnect that one and reboot - runs fine on center #1 monitor with both secondary monitors powered down. :wallbash: I don't know whether to blame Beth or MS for this one.

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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050, #35151825, #35166735 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
777777777 wrote: phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)
ADragonthorn wrote: I bought Fallout 4 because I have enjoyed all of Fallout even the line jumping game where you switch between Deathclaw and Human. As for the value of the game the thing to look at is the playable story element. If you are just looking at the playability of it then you might as well just play an online FtP FPS because that is what you are looking for.
Vicalliose wrote: I feel like the content is there, but I'm so bored by the dialogue, the awful story setup, and the awful ending that I find myself feeling like it isn't actually there at all. The ending cutscene just left me with an "oh, it's over?" reaction the first time and the second time I just left the room to grab a slice of pizza. I honestly liked Fallout 3's story better than this.

I still don't understand why everyone and their grandma just wants to blow up a place that grows clean pre-war vegetables and battle apes, you could just shut the synth production facility off and be done with it.

The questionable morality of the creation of synths, the purpose of synth life beyond utility, and the questionable ethics of the railroad wanting to prevent further synth life being created... None of that really gets explored much or at all. It's a shame they kill G7-81 off because I really wanted to see how her character would handle the freedom of her "people" after the destruction of the institute. It feels like a seriously missed opportunity. Also let's not forget the missing reformation of the Brotherhood quest.

The game just feels really shallow to me. I was honestly more excited about the Ranger armor being released than I was for the game itself... And yet I bought the game twice and also bought the DLC. I still have a lot of love for the universe and what people outside of bethesda can do with it, and yeah Nick valentine IS the best part about the game, so having a DLC devoted to his detective agency is probably the best move they could make to appeal to me. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.

I have a very love/hate relationship with this franchise.

xJadeWolfx, I simply disagree that "every location has a story to tell." It's better than it was in Skyrim, however. Every cave/dungeon in that game felt the same. The use of Draugr as hostiles in 70% of dungeons got old fast.

consummate707, using logical fallacies and name-calling won't win internet arguments. It might make you feel better, but that feeling is fleeting. Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, no one would be able to criticize anything that they aren't an expert in making. We can't have movie critics because they can't make great movies. Let's be satisfied with slop, since we aren't good cooks.
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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215, #35141660, #35142005, #35142115, #35146180 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
Centerman wrote: CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.
kanedog wrote: What is F4SE?
kanedog wrote: had a slight whoops on the waht is F4SE, has anyone figured out a way around the CTDT when starting the game?
Faylar001 wrote: CTD in workbench is because the update seems to screw up some modded meshes. just replace the missing meshes from the meshes folder. It will be trial and error to find which ones they are. Or you can simple open all your mod Zips and just grab every mesh you see.

Nope, my game is running quite smoothly. I had to update the Place Everywhere mod but that's it. Well and F4SE but otherwise I'm all good.
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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050, #35151825, #35166735, #35174830 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
777777777 wrote: phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)
ADragonthorn wrote: I bought Fallout 4 because I have enjoyed all of Fallout even the line jumping game where you switch between Deathclaw and Human. As for the value of the game the thing to look at is the playable story element. If you are just looking at the playability of it then you might as well just play an online FtP FPS because that is what you are looking for.
Vicalliose wrote: I feel like the content is there, but I'm so bored by the dialogue, the awful story setup, and the awful ending that I find myself feeling like it isn't actually there at all. The ending cutscene just left me with an "oh, it's over?" reaction the first time and the second time I just left the room to grab a slice of pizza. I honestly liked Fallout 3's story better than this.

I still don't understand why everyone and their grandma just wants to blow up a place that grows clean pre-war vegetables and battle apes, you could just shut the synth production facility off and be done with it.

The questionable morality of the creation of synths, the purpose of synth life beyond utility, and the questionable ethics of the railroad wanting to prevent further synth life being created... None of that really gets explored much or at all. It's a shame they kill G7-81 off because I really wanted to see how her character would handle the freedom of her "people" after the destruction of the institute. It feels like a seriously missed opportunity. Also let's not forget the missing reformation of the Brotherhood quest.

The game just feels really shallow to me. I was honestly more excited about the Ranger armor being released than I was for the game itself... And yet I bought the game twice and also bought the DLC. I still have a lot of love for the universe and what people outside of bethesda can do with it, and yeah Nick valentine IS the best part about the game, so having a DLC devoted to his detective agency is probably the best move they could make to appeal to me. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.

I have a very love/hate relationship with this franchise.
OriginOFPain wrote: xJadeWolfx, I simply disagree that "every location has a story to tell." It's better than it was in Skyrim, however. Every cave/dungeon in that game felt the same. The use of Draugr as hostiles in 70% of dungeons got old fast.

consummate707, using logical fallacies and name-calling won't win internet arguments. It might make you feel better, but that feeling is fleeting. Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, no one would be able to criticize anything that they aren't an expert in making. We can't have movie critics because they can't make great movies. Let's be satisfied with slop, since we aren't good cooks.

I bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. I just decided to buy it on my PC over my Xbone so I could get mods after I beat it. (Amongst other reasons). I think the game is amazing.
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In response to post #35173135.

bben46 wrote:

They found a new way to break my game with the latest update. :rolleyes:


I have a 3 monitor set up with the primary which is larger in the center. After the update it started up fine like always, then after about 30 seconds into the game a Windows message that Windows didn't think my resolution was right and offering to change it for me to a much lower setting. I clicked the no thanks and don't ask me again option - and the screen went black. Clicking in the icon and pressing esc finally got it back - but now on my right hand screen (#3) but with the size of the larger screen - so parts were cut off. Reboot did nothing. Disconnected #3. Now the game is running on #2, the left monitor. Disconnect that one and reboot - runs fine on center #1 monitor with both secondary monitors powered down. :wallbash: I don't know whether to blame Beth or MS for this one.

Is it really that bad only playing on one screen? I mean, I've played on one screen my entire life. I'd find multiple screens to be annoying. Not criticizing you or anything, just curious.
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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050, #35151825, #35166735, #35174830, #35179190 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
777777777 wrote: phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)
ADragonthorn wrote: I bought Fallout 4 because I have enjoyed all of Fallout even the line jumping game where you switch between Deathclaw and Human. As for the value of the game the thing to look at is the playable story element. If you are just looking at the playability of it then you might as well just play an online FtP FPS because that is what you are looking for.
Vicalliose wrote: I feel like the content is there, but I'm so bored by the dialogue, the awful story setup, and the awful ending that I find myself feeling like it isn't actually there at all. The ending cutscene just left me with an "oh, it's over?" reaction the first time and the second time I just left the room to grab a slice of pizza. I honestly liked Fallout 3's story better than this.

I still don't understand why everyone and their grandma just wants to blow up a place that grows clean pre-war vegetables and battle apes, you could just shut the synth production facility off and be done with it.

The questionable morality of the creation of synths, the purpose of synth life beyond utility, and the questionable ethics of the railroad wanting to prevent further synth life being created... None of that really gets explored much or at all. It's a shame they kill G7-81 off because I really wanted to see how her character would handle the freedom of her "people" after the destruction of the institute. It feels like a seriously missed opportunity. Also let's not forget the missing reformation of the Brotherhood quest.

The game just feels really shallow to me. I was honestly more excited about the Ranger armor being released than I was for the game itself... And yet I bought the game twice and also bought the DLC. I still have a lot of love for the universe and what people outside of bethesda can do with it, and yeah Nick valentine IS the best part about the game, so having a DLC devoted to his detective agency is probably the best move they could make to appeal to me. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.

I have a very love/hate relationship with this franchise.
OriginOFPain wrote: xJadeWolfx, I simply disagree that "every location has a story to tell." It's better than it was in Skyrim, however. Every cave/dungeon in that game felt the same. The use of Draugr as hostiles in 70% of dungeons got old fast.

consummate707, using logical fallacies and name-calling won't win internet arguments. It might make you feel better, but that feeling is fleeting. Taking your argument to its logical conclusion, no one would be able to criticize anything that they aren't an expert in making. We can't have movie critics because they can't make great movies. Let's be satisfied with slop, since we aren't good cooks.
rex8112 wrote: I bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. I just decided to buy it on my PC over my Xbone so I could get mods after I beat it. (Amongst other reasons). I think the game is amazing.

What the hell are you talking about?
The game unmodded, got me to spend 3 days 13 hours on one character and 2 days of clean gaming time on another. That is 133 hours in total so far and I am far from finished with this game.
Lots of AAA games won't last even 30 hours (w/o multiplayer). Imho money well spent.
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In response to post #34912955. #34953895, #34976050, #34979745, #35021805 are all replies on the same post.

teemu92 wrote: Would you people stop whining already? jeez, this is why i avoid the F4 steam community hub, i would have thought this place was more down to earth but i quess not, time to steer away from comments here too.
Dreogan wrote: Yeah, the "You're not giving me what I want when I want it so YOU'RE being greedy!" line gets old, doesn't it? Not to mention...unsettling.
Camonna Tong wrote: The funny thing is that Bethesda is one of the few that does it, and yet they get criticized for it. I see way too many that think that we're entitled to the modding kit. We're not. When it comes down to it, it costs millions (resources, licensing, manpower) for them to release the modding kit.

I'm a big fan of Witcher 3, but I'm still waiting on the modding tools for that. I don't really see too many complaints for that though. According to them, the SDK isn't really mod friendly at all though, so they might still be working on making it user friendly.

Overall, one thing I hate hearing is, "Bethesda shouldn't use mods as a DLC". First of all, even the small DLCs from Oblivion had uses with modding, you know, scripts and such. Second of all, I'd rather have BGS do things, because us modders will have to work around it. It will allow for less conflicts and allow things to be more uniform. Another thing is that Wasteland Workshop and the Automaton DLC were heavily requested features, and I am definitely looking forward to the modding possibilities with them.

Generally though, quite a few of us hate to use mods as a base so we can reach as many people as possible.

Hearthfire had an awesome building base for certain mods like Skyhaven Temple - Recruit More Blades.

To sum things up, I just hate the entitlement and such I see here and other places. Bethesda is a company that likes to make money, and gives us modding tools, which is something they don't have to do. It's something they themselves invest in, and don't have to. It might increase the longevity of the game, but it doesn't help sells throughout. It does on the PC side, and they probably get a couple more million sales because of it, but overall most of the sales are on the consoles. I'm speaking until now, so console modding is definitely a benefit now.
kevin939 wrote: I've gotten used to the "Entitlement Era" that we live in now, everything should be free and served yesterday, where things like patience and common sense are non-existant. You just have to /facepalm and move on.

As for Bethesda, I've loved just about every game they've made, and I'll never understand people complaining about their pricing, or methods. They have sold me games for $40-$60 that I have spent 1000's of hours playing and been able to have a place to escape some of life's harsh realities, whereas some games you pay that money for last an afternoon or a weekend.

They also announced they were releasing a game and it was in our hands very shortly there after. I'll take that with a few bugs over some of these game companies that announce a game and 3 YEARS later you're still waiting for it.

I've already gotten my enjoyment from the game and then some, so the CK will just be icing on the cake.
Beantins wrote: -kevin939

I agree totally with this, I haven't played FO3 or NV but I love the Elder Scrolls games and I love FO4. Bethesda never achieve quite what they set out to because they aim so high.
But I've spent so many hours on their games its unreal, particularly Morrowind back in the day!
The focus on single player open-world adventure is unmatched, and they do genuinely care about the fans and the games they make. I can't understand why people got so mad at them when you know exactly what you are getting every time. They AI is never great and there's always weird bugs, but the landscapes and immersive lore just suck you in.

Why wouldn't they charge for more content? It's just the stuff they ran out of time to put into the game and need to pay their staff and distributors to get the material out there. The more success they've had the better the games have got and they never had to sell out like Bioware and be absorbed by a monster like EA. They encourage modding and give away the tools to do it for free.

If you don't like what they do go and play CoD of some other blockbuster fluff, I'll be playing FO4 for years yet :)

kevin939 I see the problem with popularity. The more people interested in the game the more vocal is the unsatisfied minority. They are not that many, but usually overshadow the rest easily.

For us who can wait and know that Bethesda delivers and what and how they deliver it, it is hardly any surprise.

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What is aggravating is being forced to unplug two monitors to play. The power switches are in an awkward place on the back of them. Then when not playing plug them both back in. I spend far more time doing things other than playing games on my computer. If I don't find an actual solution, I will probably drag a power strip out to plug the secondary monitors into so I can just flip a switch to turn them off and on. :rolleyes:


Another possibility is the multiple monitor software I use - Display Fusion Pro. I will disable that and see what happens later today.


If and when I find a solution I will post it. :thumbsup:

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In response to post #35130310. #35130710, #35135545, #35140215, #35141660, #35142005, #35142115, #35146180, #35179105 are all replies on the same post.

Deaddropping wrote: Has anyone else who uses the NMM started up Fallout with the recent update and gotten told by the game that their mods are no longer available?
TheAddiction wrote: No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
afurryferret wrote: No, and all my mods are working fine as far as I can tell.
AgamemnonTWC wrote: It seems F4SE needs to update for this update. The update is already up, so try downloading it and seeing it that fixes it. I haven't updated yet, and frankly don't want to.
Centerman wrote: CTD when accessing the workbench in a settlement.
kanedog wrote: What is F4SE?
kanedog wrote: had a slight whoops on the waht is F4SE, has anyone figured out a way around the CTDT when starting the game?
Faylar001 wrote: CTD in workbench is because the update seems to screw up some modded meshes. just replace the missing meshes from the meshes folder. It will be trial and error to find which ones they are. Or you can simple open all your mod Zips and just grab every mesh you see.
rex8112 wrote: Nope, my game is running quite smoothly. I had to update the Place Everywhere mod but that's it. Well and F4SE but otherwise I'm all good.

I had this problem, if you have the Dev_inf mod installed you must download the update in the mod page, worked for me.
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In response to post #35167160. #35168960 is also a reply to the same post.

shnumber7 wrote: So Just as I thought. The new update has broken my game again! YAY another full week of attempting to get it back and working
kanedog wrote: Good luck im still messing with it to get it fixed, let me know if you get yours fixed

Yeah I will do, but as I said last time it took me over a week
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