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Are Bullies born or created?


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It's a huge "it depends" kind of scenario. One bully might do it because of problems in his personal life (e.g. parents divorce, abuse at home) or even having a history of being bullied himself. Another bully simply does it because he can't help himself. It could be in his genes to be more aggressive and something else.

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Bullies are created by a series of social/psychological external influences where family education (or lack of) is a mayor factor, that is a scientific fact, debating it is like debating if Earth orbits Sol...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bullies are created by a series of social/psychological external influences where family education (or lack of) is a mayor factor, that is a scientific fact, debating it is like debating if Earth orbits Sol...

Please provide me with one un-refuted empirical scientific study which establishes that "Bullies are created by a series of social/psychological external influences where family education (or lack of) is a mayor factor" as a scientific fact. Just one. I'll wait.

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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