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Provisioners without brahmin


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That's actually a good idea. I'm trying to make a connection inbetween all my settlements with provisionners, but now the whole commonwealth is full of Brahmins charging back and forth trying to catch up their respective provisionners (not to mention when they get stuck into buildings or spawn at the top of shacks).

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Yeah Brahmin are weird. They give me so much trouble in Hangmans Alley that I have to disable them whenever I get there. In all settlements, Brahmin enter houses, end up on roofs or clip through walls. It was funny the first time, but now it gets annoying.

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I tried removing NPCs elsewhere (Easy City Downs) without any luck. Next time I can look, I will see what formIDs and scripts (if any) reference the pack Brahmin. But I don't know the right removal process.


I've seen multiple answers about how to do this in prior Fallouts and Skyrim. They mention setting initial disable in Creation Kit or using scripts to kill/hide/prevent loading. Not a helpful answer, I know, but you're right about it being a needed feature.

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  • 3 months later...

Did this. Doesn't exactly disable them, but it considerably reduces the annoying factor.


It replaces pack brahmin for supply lines (and traders if you want) with eyebots.



Edited by Nylonathathep
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