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New Vegas & FNVedit are broken. Because reasons.


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My game has utterly lost its mind. It doesn't crash at the menu screen, no, it waits until I try to load my file. Then, one of three things will happen:

1. It will crash in the middle of the loading screen

2. It will load up, but crash if I try to quick travel/go through a door/fire a weapon

3. It will load up, I can quick travel all I want, jump back and forth through doors until my thumbs fall off, and fire a million shots with no problem. But if an enemy shows up, instant crash.


Now, my game is heavily modded, yes. But it never used to do this, and I have deleted all the mods that were downloaded right before or during the period where my game was doing this. Still no good. But, I think, it's still something to do with mods. So, despite being utterly hopeless with computer/tech stuff, I decide I'll need to bite the bullet and figure out how to get these merged patch things working.

Enter problem number two: FNVedit freezes every single time. I open it up, it displays all the checked files, I press OK, it starts doing whatever it is it's supposed to do... and then it freezes, and I can't click on anything, and my computer will helpfully inform me that it isn't responding if I try to do anything with it.

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For clarification, I just want to make it clear my biggest issue here is FNVedit deciding to be a dick. If it decides it wants to do the one thing it exists to do, I should be able to remove FNV's head from it's own ass by merging my mods into multiple collective abominations. Or something. Computer terminologies woooooo.

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Sounds like you are missing a master that is required by your save game. That happens when you remove mods that have something in your save game. At a minimum you need to do a "clean save", which means get the game to load, find a stable indoor location, and save the game, exit to the desktop, Then you can try loading again. That alone may not be enough, as removing a mod does not removes any quests from that mod which are still running in your save game files. You may find you still need to wait somewhere for 3 days (or however long it takes for your cells to reset if you altered that from the default) and "clean save" again.


The missing master is probably what is causing GECK to crash as well. You don't want to fool around with merging files unless you have a stable game. Even better is to wait to do that before a new game. It can be difficult to tell which mods are depending upon seeing another mod with a specific file name (called a dependency). The same applies to BSA files. If a BSA can't find it's ESP with the same name, it won't load either and you get missing meshes and textures.


If you want to avoid headaches in the future, don't go changing things once you start playing. Adding new elements is half-way safe (potential conflicts), but removing anything is very risky. Mod descriptions never tell you everything they do in the background.


FNVEdit's primary purpose is NOT merging mods. When it doesn't load, you have much more serious problems.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Sounds like you are missing a master that is required by your save game. That happens when you remove mods that have something in your save game. At a minimum you need to do a "clean save", which means get the game to load, find a stable indoor location, and save the game, exit to the desktop, Then you can try loading again. That alone may not be enough, as removing a mod does not removes any quests from that mod which are still running in your save game files. You may find you still need to wait somewhere for 3 days (or however long it takes for your cells to reset if you altered that from the default) and "clean save" again.


The missing master is probably what is causing GECK to crash as well. You don't want to fool around with merging files unless you have a stable game. Even better is to wait to do that before a new game. It can be difficult to tell which mods are depending upon seeing another mod with a specific file name (called a dependency). The same applies to BSA files. If a BSA can't find it's ESP with the same name, it won't load either and you get missing meshes and textures.


If you want to avoid headaches in the future, don't go changing things once you start playing. Adding new elements is half-way safe (potential conflicts), but removing anything is very risky. Mod descriptions never tell you everything they do in the background.


FNVEdit's primary purpose is NOT merging mods. When it doesn't load, you have much more serious problems.



Alright, that makes sense. All the utter insanity started around the time that I removed a particularly large, crash-happy mod I had on for a day or two previously. Thank you.

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If that is going to solve your problem, once you make a new save after 3 days you shouldn't still have the problem when loading subsequent saves. If that doesn't do it, then that mod might not have been your issue and it's one of the current ones depending upon a missing master. Avoiding this tedious "process of elimination" is the primary reason for the advice to test after loading each mod. Might be easier to go back to a save prior to loading the problematic mod (or start a new game). Sometimes you can't fix a save.


One test you can try fairly easily is to rename your current "saves" folder, create a new, empty one, and see if your current mod list will load. If it does, then the problem is in a save file. If it doesn't, then the problem is in the current load order. Nothing else to do except remove mods until you pin it down. The fastest way is to disable half the mods. If the game then loads you know the problem is in the half you disabled. Half that list again, and repeat until you ID the culprit.


Once you think you have solved the issue, just rename your old "saves" folder back to be current and see if you can continue.


If you have trouble with a new vanilla game (no mods), then you have a fundamental setup problem. You will need to get specific about what sort of hardware you have, which OS version, where you installed the game (the default "C:\Program Files" location is a bad choice), and your sorted "load order". You may need to disable any anti-virus while you play in "offline mode" as well.



Edited by dubiousintent
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