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Skyrim poor performance on windows 10


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So lately I have tried playing skyrim again, but it is having absolutely terrible performance, even with no mods. The game stutters and drops into the single digits whenever I look around. Hardware is not an issue as I have an Fx 9590, 32gb DDR3-2400 ram, and 2 R9 295x2s. The game is installed on an SSD. I've tried all sorts of mods to improve performance, but they all have had no effect. After trying all kinds of things I have narrowed it down to the problem being windows 10, does anyone know how to get Skyrim to run smoothly? On windows 7 it ran smooth at max settings with tons of mods

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Out of curiosity, have you tried deleting your Skyrim inis in favor of allowing Steam to rebuild them? While I doubt it is the problem, accidentally damaged inis can be the cause of a lot of unnecessary strife. If you were running 5 ugrids to load on your prior system and then somehow ended up with 9 on this system you would be feeling that kind of burn. I know of a fix for enbs behaving poorly on Windows 10 (2010 Runtime) and it is possible it would be beneficial for you since windows 10 lacks some of the runtime support enjoyed by win 7.



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If your two video cards are a total of more than 4gb of VRAM, Windows 10 will completely choke as it cannot utilize more than 4gb.


If they do add up to more than 4gb, disable/remove one of those video cards so that your total VRAM is 4gb or less. Retest.


Problem solved? Blame Windows 10.


(I already suggested this to another person and, indeed, removing one of his SLI'd cards solved all of his issues)

Edited by Bugnexus7
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if I remove one card, that still leaves me with a 295x2, that's two cores with 4gb each right there


tried high_elf143's fixes, they made no difference at all. I'm not going to tear down my custom loop either to remove a card for one game

Edited by NaomiKitsune
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Did you just upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (keeping your installed files, settings, and etc. intact); or, did you start from a new (or clean) Windows 10 install (where you'd have to reinstall everything again)?


I'm using Windows 10 (a clean install), and I haven't had any performance issues with Skyrim. I've had no issues with the vanilla install (from Steam), nor any problems using mods.


I've heard that some programs might bug-out when doing a Windows upgrade; however, uninstalling and then reinstalling the software in Windows 10 might fix it. Some people suggest doing a full, clean Windows 10 install to avoid any possible issues that might happen with an upgrade install.


Hopefully, you find a fix soon. :)

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"I'm not going to tear down my custom loop either to remove a card for one game"


I don't blame you one bit. Considering the cost of those cards, it would be easier to go back to Windows 7, even if you have to repurchase it.


Personally, I don't see why anyone would upgrade Windows 7 unless they have a touch-screen.

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