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obse 11 problems


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i posted this on planetelderscrolls but no answer, so ill try the more populated forum...


im trying to use obse 11 so i can use deadly reflex 3 (honestly i just want that enemies explode spell)


i followed the autopatcher's instructions and did everything pretty much right (it says the version is right)


i double click the obse launcher and it runs but when it gets to the screen after the besthesdbasfskdfj logo shows up it just closes and dissapears in a blink of an eye, mebe sometimes slower.



it seems to be a problem with the actual game, i can't run it without obse either, i believe something got messed up when i used the autopatcher. i have a backup so could revert, but i really want that spell xD


any ideas? gah obse 11 is so not cool, 9 worked fine for me =/

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  • 7 years later...

For one you don't look at posts that are almost 8 years old referring to a version of OBSE that is 10 generations behind the current version and provide absolutely no information that may tie your current predicament with something from that necroed post.


Start a new thread. Describe your problem and any steps you may have already taken trying to resolve it in complete detail (i.e. not leaving out one single detail).


All I can get from your post is you want something to revert (couldn't give you the slightest idea of what it is now and what you wish it to turn into from your "detailed" description) and perhaps your life is in imminent danger as a result.


Oh, and you suffer from x's before your D's.

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