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Increased soldier population WIP mod


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Oh, i had post installation guide at post no.#30, my mod is for area01, if i'm not mistake, i remenber 1st time i edit for s10080_area, the increase soldier not show up, they show up after i edit for 01...i doubt other file (area & area02) is the set up for another phase after you blow up the oil tank, if this is true, i will like to add heli patrol after blow up the oil tank.

Edited by townnet
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Well done with the changes, it feels a bit more like an actual warzone now, especially with the underutilized jungle area. With regards to that last post, what happens if you kill all of them at once? I think back when I was first creating the mod, I recall the game crashing after I had killed a lot of soldiers.

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Thanks to try it, the soldier in the jungle actually not fully functioning just like "normal" soldier, they didn't have their own route, if i assign them a route they not going show up at the location which i set up. Without the route they just stand there and no walk around animation, but they still can spot you and alert. Mission 35 also got one beautiful forest area, i plan to put npc at there. Don't know what is kojima team thinking , how can they waste such beautiful jungle they create.


After i capture that pic, i throw a petrol bomb on them, no crash.


I play the whole mission but still didn't feel the game difficulty level raise up. Visually the soldier amount is x2 compare to vanilla, but the lack of route pattern just make the game difficulty not much different. You can see some route have 2 or 3 soldier walking together, this make the field still looks "empty". Imagine that if a group got 4 soldier walking together, they use 1 minute to completed a cycle to reach the door, if they split to walk as individual, every 15 sec got soldier reach to the door, this will make the game feel much difficult and fun to play. I know there got caution route that you can assign them to sneakroute for fill the empty field, but the caution animation just not looks right when the alert level is low.

My question is, one pattern of route got 2 or more soldiers, is it possible to delay each soldier action timing? I draw a plan for you easy to understand.

I have try to assign 8 soldier with the same route, i notice that soldier number 8 is far more late action than soldier number 1, but if i assign only 2 soldier for same route, both soldier distance and action timing are very close.



Edited by townnet
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late response. I think if you want to spread the soldiers further apart you'll need to change their default positions in the fox2 file. By default all the soldiers in a CP will have the same start position, and so they will stay close together when they go to their route. So just change each of their starting positions randomly and they should spread out.

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Sorry for the late response. I think if you want to spread the soldiers further apart you'll need to change their default positions in the fox2 file. By default all the soldiers in a CP will have the same start position, and so they will stay close together when they go to their route. So just change each of their starting positions randomly and they should spread out.

Nice, i will try it out and report to you soon.

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  • 1 month later...

The link to my Africa free roam changes are in the first post of this thread



Here is the link to townnet's Mission 13 changes:



Mission 13 is the first Africa mission where you blow up the oil tank.

You need to drag 00.dat to GZtool, then place the .fpkd file into master\0\00_dat\Assets\tpp\pack\mission2\story\s10080

The open the 00_dat.xml file and add this line to the list:

<Entry FilePath="/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/story/s10080/s10080_area01.fpkd" Compressed="true" />

then drag the 00_dat.xml to GZtool to repack.


I recommend you read the rest of the thread so that you understand how to edit everything.

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