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is Honest Hearts anti-mormon?


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Well generally the mormons presented in the DLC are oddities in my experience with their kind. They're actually decent, stand up folks who aren't constantly trying to "save your soul". Joshua sky rocketed to the position of my all time favourite fictional religious guy purely by pulling off religious badass so well.


Overall though the DLC was a bit disappointing as it felt like they put more effort into the environment than they did the actual questline.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It depends on your views of anti-mormon. I didn't view it as anti-mormon. I didn't view the musical "The Book of Mormon" as anti-mormon, I viewed that as anti-african and one of the stupidist Broadway shows that can come to my mind (then again, with some help from South Park and Avenue Q's creators, it may have been meant to be stupid.)
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The word Mormon doesn't really show up in the DLC. However, if you are a stuanch anti-Christian then you may not enjoy this DLC. The Burned Man makes Bible referances and is very devout. Peronally I saw the Burned Man as an inspireing character. A man who was given a 2nd chance.
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The word Mormon doesn't really show up in the DLC. However, if you are a stuanch anti-Christian then you may not enjoy this DLC. The Burned Man makes Bible referances and is very devout. Peronally I saw the Burned Man as an inspireing character. A man who was given a 2nd chance.

There are still dialogue options that let you dismiss their religions, good enough for me.

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The word Mormon doesn't really show up in the DLC. However, if you are a stuanch anti-Christian then you may not enjoy this DLC. The Burned Man makes Bible referances and is very devout. Peronally I saw the Burned Man as an inspireing character. A man who was given a 2nd chance.

There are still dialogue options that let you dismiss their religions, good enough for me.


Exactly! If you don't care for religion, you can laugh in the burned mans face. He'll just shrug it off, but it's good that the player is given that option.

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And of course even with the previous fact you can still judge almost anything to be anti-anything.


(This post is anti-nothing. Down with those terrible nothings!)

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Honest Hearts is not Anti-Anything, unless its Vault 22. I felt that Joshua Graham was handled very well with his religion, and there was not any bashing of any religion involved in the making of it.


FL:NV was most likely created by a diverse team with many different religious backgrounds, so you shouldn't have to worry about any hating of religions.

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