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is Honest Hearts anti-mormon?


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If anything, it's strongly pro-Mormon. Joshua Graham is a very interesting character, and by the way Daniel describes the New Canaanites (=mormons), they're a tribe of badass pacifists who genuinely want to make the world a better place. Sort of like the Followers, who are also portrayed in a positive light.


Honest Hearts is, however, horribly racist against green, cannibalistic human-plant monsters.


But get the DC. It's good. I found it much better than Dead Money, but then again, I'm a huge fan of various tribal stuff in Fallout.

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I should of mentioned this before, but I find it a bit weird that the player character didn't know about religion.


The game is based off the continuation of American 50s culture, why would the vaults not have some kind of religious education?


I am personally a Atheist, but it doesn't seem to match up much imo.

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I noticed that you can be given SCRIPTURE, not a Bible or one of the Mormon holy books. It leaves the player open to interpret what the text may be. And Daniel basically says, 'enjoy it, or not'.


However, if religion does annoy you, you might want to stick with Follows Chalk or have no companion at all. Waking Cloud prays for you. a lot.

Edited by htom sirveaux
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I agree with jetflight_girl but no as pro-Mormon but more pro-good-side-of-religion as both Joshua and Daniel are great characters, among the best in the game, and when you talked with them about their religion is more an explanation them an way to make you follow them.

Even when Daniel give the Scripture he say to take a read like or hate or sell it.


And about the name of the Book (scripture, instead of Bible or Book of Mormon) it could have labeled as this for two reasons: one avoid any issue of the game be seen as an propaganda ( both negative and positive) and second to give the idea that some parts of the religious text were lost so they do not have the originals, so the book that the Courier receiver is neither actual book but an new one compiled of what they could recovered after the War.

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I think Mormons are actually portrayed in a pretty positive light in Honest Heart. The whole Fallout franchise is definitely rather anti-mutants, however. So if you're one, you might be offended.
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