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About hardcore survival DLC


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Well, again, I really think we should test the survival mode before rejecting the savegame mecanism.

Because from what i see, they try to balance the game *with* the save system in mind, since the Adrenaline perk is also tied to the way you sleep.

This is really interesting actually: you get tired but in the same time you gain powerful attack. It's kind of a dilema.

So, in other words, allowing quicksave could probably totally unbalance the game.

Of course mods will pop up for sure, but I think this worth the shot. I am not sure that rejecting the whole idea *just because* is a good way to go.

Sometimes it's also really rewarding to follow some challenges that has been calibrated by the game makers

Edited by mcguffin
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Well, after 33 years or so of gaming, I figure I have a pretty good idea of how I game, so I can deduce stuff by induction. Granted, induction is the weakest form of logic, but it's stil allowing SOME prediction.


After all, the only reason you flip a switch to turn on the lights, instead of, say, trying to see if dropping a shoe turns on the lights, is because you know what worked and what didn't work before. Granted, you could be wrong. Like, the switch could be broken or something, but it's still better than trying everything randomly.

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I actually really love the savegame on sleeping mechanic, except... I need to constantly save the game on workshop mode since there's no 'undo' function. Great for adventuring immersion but it'll be a total pain for building. Maybe if you can also save inside a settlement it'd be fine for me. (Or alternatively if someone implements an 'undo' function for workshop).

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And saving only when sleeping would just result in a case of role-playing a cat. Oops, been awake for a whole two hours. Nap attack! :wink:

About Putty Tats: have you blown up a cat and turned it into an NPC yet, brother? XD

As said elsewhere, I could see this in FO4...

Maybe a prank experiment on behalf of the BoS, or the Institute.

For the institute, it could even be explained as: Well, we did test on other life forms before we went into Humanoids, buuuuut... There WERE some side effects?"

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Survival Mode will be released first as a beta for pc platform. Community should be able to ingluence final version that will be avaible for consoles 2-3 months later. I wouldn't be suprised if the Needs system and No Saving mode were separate features that player can select by ticking checkboxes.


This would be ideal. If they just make each feature optional, it would please more people.

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Having no quick save ruins the smoothness of gameplay experience and immersion.

Uhm, immersion?

So, YOU have a SAVE button on your life?

Damn, I so want one...

And a search field, please!



Hahaha no man. But immersion isn't about being too realistic, if games were to be completely realistic then we should have no save at all and whenever we died we should have started from the beginning. Immersion is more about not feeling the game mechanics as far as you can than pure realism. Fast travel for example isn't immersive because it reminds you of a game mechanics. If there is a bike to fast travel then it's more immersive because it lets you feel you are doing something in game. Flying with virtibird in Fo4 is the best mechanism of fast travel Bethesda ever made in their games.


Now about save it is a different story. It is not about having a certain mechanism, it is about forgetting a mechanism easier because however you do it, it is an unrealistic feature which its existence is necessary.


Having a quick save helps you forget about saving your progress. How much do you think about saving your progress when you quick save every 30 minutes?


And how much will you think about saving your progress when you don't have quick save? I can bet whenever you suddenly face a deathclaw, instead of thinking and worrying about fighting him you will start thinking about losing all the progress that you've made today.


Is that fun? Is it more immersive to actually think about saving your progress all the time instead of focusing on the game and fighting? Or is it more immersive to push a button in one second every 30 minutes and forget about your progress completely and stay in the game?


Despite what people might think that kind of save mechanism in a game like Fallout will only make your experience less immersive because you actively think about saving which is an immersion breaking feature, and to save you have to sleep which makes the beds like saving stations rather than something related to tiredness and fatigue.


Like Alien Isolation. You feared losing your progress more than you feared the Alien. You were always after that bip bip sound to save. And that was a survival horror game with a linear story and 15 hours of gameplay, you could live with that mechanism until the story ends.


This is an open world RPG full of surprises. A save mechanism like that not only will have you thinking about saving your progress all the time and pulls you out of the atmosphere of the game, but it will annoy you all the time. Even if it doesn't annoy you in the first 15 hours it will annoy you when you go above 20 hours. I can bet many people who are now defending it will mod that feature when they go above 25 hours in game.

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It's more immersive to quicksave (something the character is entirely disconnected from) than having to take a nap every time I want to enter a new building or explore a new area. Forcing "naps" as the only saving mechanic is the opposite of "immersive", at least as far as my game is concerned.

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I actually really love the savegame on sleeping mechanic, except... I need to constantly save the game on workshop mode since there's no 'undo' function. Great for adventuring immersion but it'll be a total pain for building. Maybe if you can also save inside a settlement it'd be fine for me. (Or alternatively if someone implements an 'undo' function for workshop).


I'm guessing we can still change the difficulty on the fly, so you could just drop down to a lower difficulty when building, then flip it back up when you go off adventuring. For that matter, anyone who is really annoyed by the sleep to save feature can probably cheat the system and do this to save their game.


That is, unless hardcore survival is like other hardcore characters where when you die, that character is dead forever....? Then maybe they'd remove the option to change the difficulty.

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