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26 Tbit's in one second transferd sucsessfully !

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I just stumbled over this article in the news! I'm still baffled.


Here the article Link:

26 Tbit s−1 line-rate super-channel transmission utilizing all-optical fast Fourier transform processing


I'm not ta great tech guy but this could be a rely technological breakdown.


I did read it in Spiegel online 1st but there wasn't a link in English there sorry .

This could be hopefully a better news link:

World Record in Ultra-Rapid Data Transmission

Edited by SilverDNA
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That's over 3.25 Terabytes a second.

Can you imagine what we could all do with them sort of speeds?!


I could literally send all of my computers and all my data in a matter of a few seconds to anywhere that has them speeds.


We'd be able to watch many, many videos in HD 1080p on youtube without breaking a sweat.

We'd literally have the albums, games and movies we buy on the internet as soon as the money is transferred.

Physical copies of any media wouldn't ever be needed again.


Remember: It's not just the internet this could revolutionise.


Millions of phonecalls could be made at the same time every second just on ONE lasers

Computers would interact with other components at breakneck speeds.


This could transfer any piece of data at all. The possibilities are endless


It's research like this that really could improve the way we connect to one another across the entire world.


Of course we are many years away from having this sort of technology at the publics fingertips but just you wait, when this starts to rub off on what services we can get today.

This is very exciting news.

Edited by KDStudios
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I agree ... 26 terabits per second! Still amazed 700 DVD's space in one second.. Warner Bro. movies database could be downloaded in less than half a day at this rate...


But now uses this great news for your imagination on the possibilities of what will online gaming be like in about 8 to 12 years probably ...

now you got the relevance of this news.

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Yeah but speed doesn't always mean a high ping. Even with such high speeds it could take a few ms to actually start.

Ping is what drives multiplayer these days. Not speed. My internet is a good example of that.

I have 2mbit broadband (LAME I know)

but my ping to most places comes around 40-70ms

Which isn't half bad when playing multiplayer games.


So who knows really.


However regardless of that.

I'd rather high speed transfers of data over multilayer gaming anyday

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You know, looking back 5-10 years ago. I'd never dream of the kind of technology we have today in the computer side of things.

I'm really curious as to how much better computers will get in the coming years.


And remember this guys: YOU WERE HERE. You all witnessed these massive technological advances.

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aggreed with the whole speed isnyt everything... for me its more of a stableity thing... if brings a low stable ping im all for it... if not.. it can go fluff itself

as for my current gameing net usage... a 3G connection done through my phone... lowest ping... 495:(

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