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Fallout: Through Dust and Bone


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Petra can smell the quantum-whisky in Fenix's breath. Him putting his arm around her doesn't make it any more comforting.



Well hey there, Petra, whatcha' doing out here alone?



Just getting some...fresh...air


She holds back the digust from Fenix's breath


Fenix (smiles)

And where did you leave the others?


With increasing discomfort, she gently squirms out of Fenix's arm.



We were...just in the temple...with the medicine man...


She catches Toki in the corner of her eye, thinking nothing of it -


Toki (Quietly, yet stern)

"You have precisely 10 seconds to explain why a Talon Mercenary is here in Anchorage before I blow your brain all over the frost bitten ground...and 5 seconds have already passed..."


Oh boy.


Petra eyes Fenix's hand hovering over the gun - stopping short. She glances between the two men in the precarious situation.

Toki, the tall stranger with wierd hair hasn't really noticed her. Probably brushing her off as a harmless thirteen year old.


She yanks out Fenix's pistol, pointing it straight at Toki's gut



D-don't even think of it! You're...not one of us!


The locals begin to notice, surrounding Toki and Fenix. The guards aren't too thrilled either.


Ikkuma Guard #1

Who let this man in?


Ikkuma Guard #2

I...thought he was a scavenger - a local! He didn't look like a Saturnian!


Ikkuma Guard #1

Oh for curses sake Tunak, who the blazes ever gave you guard duty anyway?



*Alright, I'm trying to catch up on these few posts I just missed! I'll make sure you guys have a lot of stuff to work from here since I can't post that much right now (final weeks of the semester and several big projects to do), but I don't want you guys to give up!


Omega, welcome to the RP, and thanks for the resurrection! One minor nitpick - the Ikkuma aren't really THAT welcome of strangers. It's one of the reasons the Saturnian Empire hasn't found their biggest settlements yet. HOWEVER, since your character does have a mixture of native american ancestry (something true of the Ikkuma also, with inuit, Russian and other races also thrown in) I can easily see him slipping past with the right level of sneakiness and guard stupidity. I doubt he'd smell like a northener, and wouldn't be anywhere near as hi-tech as the Saturnians. The people wouldn't think too much of him until now.


Anton, Gormonk, kingban and anyone else - feel free to continue posting. Remember, you can always work your post in a way that makes up for lost time much like I do, so you can catch up better.*

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As Petra takes out his gun, and points it at the stranger, Fenix gets somewhat relieved.


Fenix <thinks>

Well, she certainly doesn't screw around... at least now I'm not the only one with a gun pointed at them...


He takes a step forward and turns back quickly, slinging his rifle from his back, almost falling over in the process.


Fenix <to Toki>

Heh, sorry pal, it seems it's two-on one...


He looks around, noticing the people and guards around them.


Fenix <to Toki again>

Look, I think you should put that gun away and turn around, before these guys get angry and sacrifice us to the cookie god...


<looks around awkwardly>



... or someone else...


*1: Yaay, Majik! You're alive!

*2: "Probably brushing her off as a harmless thirteen year old." Holy cr*p, 13? I was hoping she's at least 16-7 :D

Edited by Fenix HuN
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Moments before Toki and Fenix's meeting

Izek's Temple



So why'd you help Saturn? What did that guy have to offer!?


Izek lets out a sigh.



Hoage, once upon a time Saturn faced the same enemies you did.



Really now?



Probably one of the worst you've ever fought.



You're gonna have to be more specific.



One that took away many you cared about



Yeah that's still pretty vauge



One that made you question -



A little more



The Canadian Brotherhood.


Hoage sits on a stone bench near the vat. The glow shines off his gloomy face.



...The Steel Plauge...


Izek sits next to him, studying Hoage's facial expression with a calculating stare.



Was that your...first battle?



I had a few skirmishes before I deserted the NCR and headed north after...her...



I remember seeing you off...Didn't know about her at the time though. Thought maybe you were yearning for a 'real' battle of some kind -


Hoage looks deeply into the vat.



You'd have to define a 'real' battle for me. Shooting tribals out of fear you'd be shot by your own pals? Pissing on prisoners of war just cause you can? Running from your captors when the let you free on purpose just so they have an excuse to shoot you, then seeing one of your best friends be reduced to goop & gore?


He snickers



Not the first time I saw that...and not the last...





Canadian Wastes, 2254


A young Hoage, clad in a sturdy leather combat vest, trots through the ghost town of Calgary, Alberta. As if it wasn't depressing enough before the war. A Wattz-2000 slung over his back, he reaches a ruined building...





Hoage smiles. The former Alberta National Radio building bears a burnt out flag of the old world. It's surrouned by sand bags, troops of the Ronto Army casually keeping watch. They've got some good tech - crude cybernetic arms here and there, P-94 plasma rifles and Advanced War Rifles.

New Weapon: Advanced War Rifle

Think of it like this - a TAR-21's bullup style and MARS scope, crossed with the G36's handguard/whole front and magazine's transperancy. And wood furnishing of course :). Possibly designed after the war based on old prototypes. 12.7mm ammo.


Longman watches Hoage from the top. A station's been set up at one of the smaller radio towers - the main tower having crashed down and struck the small overpass nearby during the war.


Longman (jovially)

You find any cigs down there a**hole!?


Hoage pops a cig in his mouth -





He lights it up



None left.


Hoage grins. Longman chuckles.


Suddenly an explosion rings out from afar.



s***, Steelers just can't keep out for a moment?


Longman turns back to the station operators



Get a readout of that!


Radio guy

Reports just came in, the Plauge's seiging outpost J. Casualties unknown.







Hoage rushes to the security gate, an artillery spotter scoping out the situation from a makeshift tower up high.


Radio guy

Outpost Z's under assault!





Hoage nods to the machinegunner sitting in the booth before climing up the tower




The radio guy looks to Longman with horror...


Radio Guy

They've hit H, G, Q, and T...and Outpost K...it's just been hit hard.



Goddammit...that's just a few clicks away!


Hoage reaches the top of the guard tower, grabbing the binoculars off the spotter and looking through the wreckage of buildings and down a main road.


The Steel Plauge marches forth. Canadian BOS, armed to the teeth with some of the best pre-war tech.



We got the pulse rounds in that cannon?


He motions to the huge artillery cannon sitting in the lot



Just three


Hoage clenches his fists around the binoculars, persperation running down his forehead.



It'll do...


He hands the binoculars back to the Spotter before sliding down the ladder.




A Steeler preps a fatman.


Steeler commander

Get that tower down first. Clear us a nice big hole...


The fatman steeler takes aim, the holo-graphic targetting mod doing the hard work and calculating everything else -


Suddenly a shot throws him off, the mini-nuke sailing into an apartment nearby - the blast and the rubble doesn't stop their march.







Longman ejects the anti-material rifle's shell.




The Steelers have now reached the block of ruined buildings, closing in on the Ronto fortification...


Steeler commander (grimacing)

Plasma barrage on the building. We only need one antenna after all...



Sir, wouldn't that damage the goods?


The commander snickers as he clicks on his helmet.


Steeler Commander

We only need one antenna...


Five Steelers march fourth, charging their plasma casters as they move.




Hoage and the other Rontos get ready.


Ronto Sarge

Fire on my lead boys!


Suddenly a huge barrage of plasma bolts smashes into the main building


Hoage watches on in horror




Longman braces himself, the concrete being blasted away, the rebars melting -


The sniper looks down to his torso - a chunk's been taken out, glowing green.


Longman (grating pain)

f*** these Steelers!


He takes aim as best he can - the fatman Steeler in his sights, about to fire a nuke -


The BOS's visor gets smashed in by the .50 in a spectacular display of blood, glass and steel. He falls back - the fatman fires straight upwards.


Steeler Commander

Move! Now!


They charge through the ruined buildings, clambering as best they can into positions


Ronto Sarge



The ronto's start their defensive, the Steelers quickly firing back. Plasma bolts, laser blasts -


Suddenly the nuke comes smashing back down right on the steeler flank - it incinerates a good deal, throwing others about. Only the most heavily armoured, or the lucky ones in cover, can withstand the force of the shockwave.


Ronto Sarge

Awwww yeah boys!


Hoage looks back to the main building, smouldering with black and green smog. Longman's body lays lifeless over the edge.



Thanks pal...




Steeler Commander looks about. The block's starting to crumble around his men.

Readying his grenade machinegun -


Steeler Commander



He joins in the volley and CHARGES for the Rontos


Ronto Sarge

Crazy bas -


An explosion pulverises the soldiers in front of the sarge, knocking him off his feet, quite literally.


Hoage rushes to the sarge's aid, pulling him back from the front line -


The Ronto's fire back, hitting the Steeler Commander's unarmoured joints. He falls...


The other Steelers react, concentrating a full barrage of laser and plasma bolts on the front line.


Suddenly, pulse shells rain down on their position. Some BOS lose control, others get locked in place. One falls from up high and crashes through a sewer grate. The really unlucky ones find their plasma packs exploding...


Steeler commander's visor's cracked open. His eye's visible, a tear streaming down as he pulls the pin to a high-tech nuka grenade

Steeler Commander

Goodbye, baby...


He shuts his eye and tosses the nuka.


Hoage is thrown off his feet by the explosion, crashing into a stack of boxes.




Izek's Village


An elite Ikkuma guard rushes into the temple room. He's clad in more armour than the regular guards.


Ikkuma Elite Guard

Igai takungartut okolo ogiarput soto!


Hoage looks up, breaking away from his thoughts.



Something's going on outside.



Great, my new buddies probably got themselves in trouble.




*translation: Two strangers are about to fight outside! (note: mixed up whatever inuit I could gleam from the internet with some japanese and a bit of russian via google translate.)*

Well I can retcon her age...

It just means she'd be a very naive 16yo. Probably eases off any accidentaly creepy connotations too. It's just that this might clash with a plan I've got coming up...one that will help newer RP players join up in a much more interesting manner.

Anyway I've sent a PM to Omega so hopefully he'll make a reply soon. Also, Kingban anton and Gormonk have been PM'd too.

New players, you can join in whenever you want, or even whereever since you can just put your character in another place of action. I'll help you settle in and the stories can cross over at a later point

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Jacob wakes up in an unfamiliar room with a stranger staring at him.


Dr. Chokwas

Ah good your awake. We were losing hope. Tell me, whats your name?



I...I dont remember.


Dr. Chokwas(leaning back.)

Shame...Im Doctor Chokwas ive been nursing you back to health ever since one of our patrols found you half a mile off from Old Anchorage...


Jacob flashes back to him running through a blizzard, so cold and yet so warm at the same time.


Dr. Chokwas

...half dead from radiation. Youve been out for a week. What do you remember?



I dont remember anything. You said "our" so who's?


Dr. Chokwas(shifting in his seat and relaxing)

The Saturians. The Kingdom that rules the Cold Lands.


A bald sickly man walks in.



So Snow Green finally wake up? Your lucky i dont knock you right back asleep. Was stuck in bed for 4 days thanks to you. So Doc he ready to go?


Dr. Chokwas

Jackson he just woke up please have patience. We dont even know his name.



What do you mean we dont know his name? Tags said Jacob thats his name.


Dr. Chokwas






Dr. Chokwas(sighing)

Nothing. Just give me a moment with him then you can take him.



Take me where? What are you guys talking about?



What were you not listening? Thanks to your greeding ass trying to salvage mini nukes from Old Anchorage ive been stuck in bed for the past FOUR days. Thats sabotage of Saturian troopers which has a long list of punishments but i think we will just skip all that and push conscription into the Saturian forces. Weve been short handed at this outpost anyway.



So what now?


Dr. Chokwas(standing up and walking over to the medicine cabin)

Ill be prescribing you some medication then Jackson will take you down to the range. Now where is it...Ah there it is.


Dr. Chokwas takes a bottle of pills out and brings it over to Jacob.


Dr. Chokwas

Take one of these every 6 hours. Youll also be very sensitive to the cold and background radiation so Jackson give him some extra heavy winter gear if you want him to stay alive long enough.



Ill see what i can find for him we have a spare uniform and i guess he can wear my old trench coat. Come on grab your pills get dressed and follow me down to the range.




Jackson(going through some lockers.)

Alright lets get you out of those scrubs. Here is that uniform and coat i promised and a gas mask. Youll also need a gun so here is a Lightweight rifle. Not much fire power with the .22 LR but holds a hell of a lot of ammo. Now put those on then set into the range.


Jacob(getting dressed)

Just gonna throw me into service like that? I dont even know how to use one of these.



You dont even know your name. I dont have time to give you any read training and dont wanna file out the paper work so a quick test in the range will have to do.



What the hell is the range?


Jackson(opens up a door)

Step on in and find out.


Jacob Finishes getting dressed but leaves the coat and mask off for now and steps through the door. It slams shut and locks behind him. Lights come on it just looks like a big empty room until a panel on the floor moves away and a target pops out.


Jackson(Through the speakers)

Alright. Shoot.


Jacob takes an awkward shot. Misses the target completely.



Come on man. For real this time.


Jacob fires again hits the edge of the target ring.



****: Well i guess we can use you to clear a mine field at least why dont you step out of there?


Jacob Looks over the gun for a moment then detaches the the stock and takes aim down the Iron sites. Bulls eye.



Hmmm...Alright good. Now for the real test.


5 targets come out of the walls, floor, and ceiling down range and begin moving around together slowly.


Jacob Takes him and fires.


The target snaps back into the wall and the rest move faster.


Jacob Fires 2 more shots both hitting followed by the target snapping back into the wall and the rest moving quickly.


Another target pops out of the ceiling and Jacob fires and hits as it trying to retreat back.


He takes 3 more careful shots. Only 1 hits then a another surprise target pops out from the right wall. He hits it then hits the last 2.



That all?



Thats it. Looks like we got a sure shot. Step on out and ill tell you what to do next.




Quite long. Anyway Moshos feel free to take control of Jackson for me i think he'd be better that way.

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D-don't even think of it! You're...not one of us!


Toki, as usual, jumped the gun (at this point almost literally) and hadn't noticed the girl that Fenix had been standing in front of and the sudden outburst caused the attention of the guards.


Toki (Thinking)

Oh you've got to be kidding me... Leave it to me to start making enemies right off the bat...


*Raising his arms in the air in a "I didn't do it" sort of manner*


"Woah now, no need to jump to conclusions girl. I just got a little jumpy and mistook your friend for someone else." (Nice recovery)


Making sure the guards are looking Toki quickly holsters his pistol underneath his trench coat to keep them from advancing and possibly going hostile. Although Petra didn't quite look convinced.


"Sorry, it's been a long day for me. Why don't we go inside here and grab a bite to eat? I'll treat with the Caps I just got. The name's Toki by the way."


*He extends his hand out to Fenix*



Great to see the RP is back on its feet. I'll try to get on as much as I can, but the internet here for me is extremely spotty and I might end up losing service soon, just crossing my fingers it won't happen. Also, if you guys want to see my character as well as his original backstory to Fallout I've got several links:


(<---- *Cough* Let's not call this one canon...)

Toki - The Universal SHiFTer (Full Character Bio)

Fallout: Fate of the Wasteland Story Synopsis with Toki's involvement in the Wasteland

Fallout: Fate of the Wasteland (The Actual Story contained in a .Zip folder for Download if you're interested in reading it)

Edited by Omega_Boost
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Outpost Laufey

20 miles from the "Danger Line"


Jackson, mug of rad-free coffee in hand, turns to Staff Sarge Fransberg. She's a little tomboyish from the outset, wears thick frames and has this air about her that says "No, seriously, don't call me Major Babe."



I gotta admit, the kid surprised me.



I say we take him in.


Jackson spurts out his coffee



Woah, no fricken way. Guard duty, sure, but on a god-damn assignemnt?



It's just a routine scouting patrol Jacko. No need to get your jockstrap in a tussle.


Jackson sneers. Fransberg adjusts her heavy-frames using her middle finger.



Besides, the kid seemed to handle himself fine up until now.



He's a fricken' illegal, Fran. Article Two-Two-Point-Eight-Point-One-Point...I dunno the rest, but it says that illegals on enforced conscription are NOT permitted within 500 yards of the Danger Line.


He puts his coffee down, adjusting his collar with a light burp. Fransberg rolls her eyes.



Besides, I'm the one who enforced milatary service on the little s***. I think I get to decide what he can or can't do.



I'm sorry, who got the accolade from Commdore Lawson?


Jacksons eyes dart back and fourth.



Yeah. Yeah...Besides, why did you even save him in the first place?



That's none of your beeswax Fran.



Whatever. The new meat's coming with us.


Jackson opens his mouth to speak -


within moments, Fransberg has her hand over his maw



You got a problem, you can stay home and watch the snow fall.



Moments Later


Fransberg and Jackson have Jacob seated in a room with twelve other men and women.



Alright bitches, here's the op!


The projector shines on white wall, showing a map of Old Anchorage. It slides to a spot on the outskirts



Four hours ago we lost contact with an eyebot patrolling along the freeway.



We think it's stumbled on some ghoul raiders, probably feral, maybe sane.



Whatever happened, the eyebot came back online -


Suddenly the slide changes to a river running into a bay.



At Eagle Bay. That's approximatley 25 miles away from the Danger Centre - rad central.



And over five miles past the danger line. We're the only ones close enough to do anything about it before that bot goes back offline, and we don't have any time to spare.


A soldier suddenly stands up, saluting



Sir! Why should we care about some eyebot?


Fransberg snickers.



Because, private, that eyebot's sent a...classified protocol to the Capital...and they want it back in their hands in one peice.



We move out in 5.


The experienced soldiers stand up in unison


SOLDIERS(all together)

Beyond Death! Beyond Dues! We are the the many, the humble, serving the one and the true! HUA!


For a moment, Fransberg looks to Jacob. She smiles, in a way that could be warm or cunning, before turning her attention away.



Meanwhile in Izek's Village


Hoage reaches the crowd, who clear themselves for Izek and Qochata. The medicine man leans and whispers to Guard Tunak



What's going on, a duel?

Guard Tunak (very nervous)

w-well this uh...intruder must've creeped into our camp sir, and tried to stir up trouble with the black-armoured one!


Guard Amo (sarcastically)

Yes, however could he have gotten past our impenetrable defence!?


Qochata reaches for his thermic lance - Hoage suddenly planting a hand on his shoulder





Sure enough, Toki extends a hand to Fenix while offering the 'apology'


Petra hands the gun back to Fenix while staring down Toki with a suprisingly scary stare...almost inhuman.


The crowd dispereses back into their lives. Izek scans the area, sharp-eyes on Fenix.



Hmph. I was going to signal the duel.



You guys like doing those things? Like sparring or something?



We haven't had one in months. Everyone is worried about the curse...they want to savour their strength...


Qochata looks to the sky with solemn eyes as he holsters the lance


Qochata(under breath)

I just hope it'll be enough...



The Curse that walks?



Yes...a vengeful spirit that has stalked these lands for many...many years.


Hoage wipes his brow



Can't say I believe in "curses" or spirits...


Qochata looks to Hoage with a smirk.



You'd be surprised. Science and magic, just the same thing. Always has been. Neither came first, we just gave the one thing two names.


Qochata leans back against the nearby pole, the canvas above the bar billowing against the winter gust.


Hoage jeers, kicking some dirt as he sits on a crude seat next to him.



I can respect that.


Qochata doesn't listen.



From those generations till now, it stayed far from the Demon's Empire. Tribals would here some obscure tales of possession and lands tainted by the curse that walks. Our people were comfortable brushing it off...Even I thought it was but a myth!


The tribal warlord turns to Hoage with a forlorn gaze.



But now, something in its black heart compels it to engulf us all...And I don't know what to do...



Fenix, if you're up to controlling Izek from here then go ahead! I'd like to see where you can take this!


ModelV: You're free to control Fransberg. We can have a shared control too if you're more comfortable.


Kingban1: You can still write a conversation between Qochata and Samuel, in fact you have control of Qochata for that. Just remember it'll be set BEFORE Toki and Fenix's "misunderstanding". Use the dotted line trick ("-" repeatedly) to break up any gaps in time. This helps to make up for lost time after all so your character is up to the present. That goes without saying to everybody else who hasn't gotten back in just yet!

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Fenix looks around, and sees Hoage come out of the temple with Izek.


Fenix <thinks>

So that's gotta be the 'medicine man' - Izek... Hmph. What a douchebag. I can see it just by looking at him...



...The name's Toki, by the way.


He turns back to him, and gives Toki a five.



I'm Fenix. That was a bit too close, pal. I say let's pretend it never happened.


As they start to walk away, Fenix leans to Petra and whispers in her ear.


Fenix <whispers>

Hey, thanks for doing what you did, I appreciate it.


He taps her on the shoulder, then goes to catch up with Toki


Fenix <to Toki>

So, what's your problem with us, mercenaries?



*Woah, I'm not sure I could control Izek really properly, but I say we give it a shot. Or we could settle at shared control. (I prefer the second :P)

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Jacob steps out of the range. Dr. Chokwas stands in front of him behind a bench covers with a pare of trench knifes crudely strapped together, some kind of radiation suit, and dog tags.


Dr. Chokwas

Jackson wanted me to bring these to you. Its all you had on you when he found you. They have all been radiation scrubbed and are safe for you to touch. The radiation suit was defective many seals were broken because the power armor components were not fitted for your body. I cant let you use it simply because it wont protect you from the environment.


Jacob eyes the knife knuckles then straps them onto his arm.


Dr. Chokwas

A very crude weapon but built very well. I feel that weapon was not built from skill or necessity but hate. Hate for what i cant say maybe youll remember.


Jacob stares at Dr. Chokwas then loks down at the dog tags.


Dr. Chokwas

They ere definitely not yours as seen from the date of birth but since you cant remember your name that name will have to do. Now then Jackson needs you in the briefing room let me show you the way.



Moments Later


Fransberg and Jackson have Jacob seated in a room with twelve other men and women. Jacob pays little attention and is mainly focused on his knife knuckles.


Alright bitches, here's the op!


The projector shines on white wall, showing a map of Old Anchorage. It slides to a spot on the outskirts



Four hours ago we lost contact with an eyebot patrolling along the freeway.



We think it's stumbled on some ghoul raiders, probably feral, maybe sane.



Whatever happened, the eyebot came back online -


Suddenly the slide changes to a river running into a bay.


Key word Eyebot jogs some of Jacob's memory. Schematics and note flood his thoughts.


At Eagle Bay. That's approximatley 25 miles away from the Danger Centre - rad central.



And over five miles past the danger line. We're the only ones close enough to do anything about it before that bot goes back offline, and we don't have any time to spare.


A soldier suddenly stands up, saluting



Sir! Why should we care about some eyebot?


Fransberg snickers.



Because, private, that eyebot's sent a...classified protocol to the Capital...and they want it back in their hands in one peice.



What model of Eyebot is it?


Everyone's eyes turn to Jacob with few nice looks.


Fransberg(going through her clipboard)

Um...its a...standard recon unit eyebot. Model C



Then this doesnt make any sense.



And why is that?



Because model C Eyebots self destruct when they sustain any kind of damage that pierces their shell due to their sensitive power supply. The only way you can disable an eyebot without it exploding is by hacking it which means your dealing with someone who is familiar with your tech and has the tactical knowledge to re-activate the eyebot at a strategic location. In short they are using the eyebot as bait for an ambush.


Jackson and Fransberg look at each other for a moment.


Jackson(clears throat)

Alright we will split the team in two. One team will go to this ridge here and provide cover fire for the other team that will act like they arent expecting an ambush. We move out in 5.


The experienced soldiers stand up in unison


SOLDIERS(all together)

Beyond Death! Beyond Dues! We are the the many, the humble, serving the one and the true! HUA!


For a moment, Fransberg looks to Jacob. She smiles, in a way that could be warm or cunning, before turning her attention away.

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Fenix <to Toki>

So, what's your problem with us, mercenaries?


Toki stops and takes a good long look at Fenix before making a decision.



*Leans in a little bit towards Fenix* "You're not from the Eastern division then, are you? I figured you would've known..."


He reaches into his trench coat and pulls out a holotape that gives all the details on Toki's termination by the Talon Mercenary Company from the Capital Wasteland for being a 'Holier-Than-Thou "White Knight"".


"Ever since I left Maryland I was pretty sure I ditched you guys, but I had other assassins chasing me through the Wasteland. I ran North up here to Anchorage; I didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to chase me here... I've been paranoid though ever since I left the Eastern front, so when I saw you I thought you might be after me. You'll excuse me for being a tad jumpy..."


He looks around the small village and makes a small notion towards the guards.


"Besides, I didn't want to cause unnecessary bloodshed. It's bad on my Karma, ya know!"




And thirdly, if you guys know about Furcadia, I, from over 15 years of past Roleplaying experience, have ended up causing battles I can't ever win at DX....Blasted stinking furries...

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*Leans in a little bit towards Fenix* "You're not from the Eastern division then, are you? I figured you would've known..."


Fenix <after reading through Toki's holotape>

Nah, I'm from the Northern division, and we don't deal with the missions those idiots can't carry out...


I mean, we got enough problems already; most of the guys who have to flee, flee to the north, so if we kept doing what those pussies at D.C can't, we'd have two times more contracts than mercs.


<smiles> So don't worry, we won't have to kill eachother.

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