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Fallout: Through Dust and Bone


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Willow Creek - Saturn Camp


Sordo and the Communications Officer are under the main tent, looking over a computerised map setup.



We've gotten a lot warmer Sir - a few miles north we recieved reports of what could've been a scavenger, signal-scanner picking up what appeared to be a pip-boy or some other portable computer on his person. He headed east towards the hills before his signal went weak...but it didn't totally vanish.



This is good right?



Well...it's a faint reading covering a large area. But if there's a settlement of some kind there, we could pick it up on visuals and let loose -


Sordo plants a heavy finger on the map, sliding the magnifier over what looks like a representation of...



Dense forest. Would be hard to see so clearly.



By Saturn, we'd be going in blind!


Sordo grimaces, his prostetic silver teeth glinting.



Looks like we've gotta cut down some trees.


Comm snickers



Load up the napalm?



Yes...and switch main guns with long-ranged flamers. I want some Ikkuma on the spit.



We've got a few tanks of Black Napalm too. Nasty s***, figured you liked it since the Steeler War.



Oh...you're my favorite already. Load it up on my bird.



How many tanks?



ALL THE TANKS! I'mma fill the air with the smell of their bursting intenstines!


Sordo SMASHES the map, sparks and glowy orange liquid spewing out.


The communications officer stars at the growing puddle, his mouth agape.



R...r...right away sir!



Just call me Mr. Sordo, corporal.


The comm officer smiles nervously before rushing off.


Sordo holds up his mechanical hand. It whirs, the blaster barrels sliding out on the forearm, MFC cell bay opening up.


The mutant picks up a cell, planting it inside with sociopathic focus. It retracts into the arm. The barrels glow before everything whirs again and shifts back into position.



Outpost Laufey - Snowroller Garage


The impressive Snowroller sits inside the bay as the Outpost troops perform final inspection. Jackson tinkers with a holo-projector of some kind, typing away at a keypad.


Fransberg paces down the table set-up, eyeing each soldiers performance before coming to Jacob.



Pretty smart thinking there wanderer. Where did you say you were from again?


Jackson smiles as he types the last few commands before hitting the return key.



Soldiers, Atten-hut!


He salutes the projector just as Governor Kaylo's aged visage materialises, a floating holographic head with an impressive beard.


Lore profile: Governor Kaylo

High ranking cabinet member who governs Welcome Way and its surrounding 'district'. Probably the only settlement so close to the Anchorage Danger line, Welcome Way has perhaps the least appropriate name any town could possibly be given. The locals are quite paranoid and extremley distrustful of outsiders, mainly from to the constant threat that a few ferals may wander just a little too close to the outskirts, or worse, the dreaded Cossacks might corrupt their youth with hard drugs. Kaylo himself is one of Saturn's most vocal governers, and a harsh critic of his latest policies. His position is all that's sparring him from being...unplugged.



Ah, so this is our little ensemble of roughnecks. My my, the first time you boys -


Franson smiles



a-and girls might get to face some real danger! Oh yes. Now, contray to what Commodore Lawson might say -



The man who's well above your paygrade, go on.


Kaylo stares at Fransberg.



Indeed. No doubt he...earned that. Anyhow...My finances have helped cover for your new and improved toy over there -


The floating head swivels around to the snow-roller.


Vehicle Profile: The Snow Roller

Armoured pre-war vehicle restored to full working condition. Only a few are in service to Saturn. Inspired in part by Alaskan mining vehicles, it's a screw-propelled half track with a deployable plow/front-loading ramp. It also has room for a scout-bike inside, as well as a stim-delivery bay and weapon storage. Can reach a top speed of 150km/h (~90mph) when shedding the flank plates that would otherwise protect it from anti-armour strikes. Armnaments include a mounted twin-gatling laser and an anti-air missile pod, hooked to a single turret. Some models exchange the twin-gatling laser for a Vulcan Cannon.



So I want you to remember who you owe your life too. It was quite a difficulty to earn all those funds -



Yes, I'm so sure it was...


Kaylo swivels around again, glaring at Fransberg.



And I doubt I could be so generous the next time.


He smiles, awkwardly.



So all the best on your assignment troops! Tally-ho!


Kaylo blinks out.


Fransberg turns her attention back to the team.



Let's roll, bitches.



Nearing Eagle Bay


The soldiers, and Jacob, are seated inside the snow-roller.


Fransberg's standing, holding to the railing. She clicks some things on her pip-boy 2700, before putting it away.



Alright. Team A goes with me. We'll be deployed from the Snowroller in the next few clicks, far enough to not compromise Team B, lead by Jackson. This baby's got a custom engine and anti-radar paint, so unless they've got some really fancy s*** they won't be able to pick it up, or at least they'll think it's a Grolar. Radio Silence commences immediatley after that.



And for Saturn's sake, nobody on my team start shooting away the moment they see ambushers. I'll send the staff sarge an encoded message when we get sight of tangos.



When trouble brews, we fire on MY lead. Capiche?


Private Rancor (motioning to Jacob, next to him)

And what about the FNG, ma'am?


Rancor the burly, hairy oaf bumps Jacob's shoulder.


Private Rancor

Sucker seems lost half the time.



He's with you & me, Rancor. Lucky boy's on community service! He might just save your ass today!


Rancor chuckles. He's got a repulsive laugh.


Private Rancor

Better not be an eight-ball, "Jacob".


A masculine female soldier slaps Rancor on the upside


Private Hayes

Ease off the new-blood, Rancor.


Fransberg smirks.


Fransberg (thinking)

<If he really is so...new...>


The Snowroller comes to a stop



Alright boys 'n gals, this is it!


Fransberg reachs the frontloading ramp, hitting a switch. It crashes down into the snow.



Hayes, Xander, Morris, Duskalo, Lewis, Zai-su, Mirkovic, all on me!


She leades the team of eight out. Jackson hits the switch once the last's gone, the ramp clamping closed



Next stop, all aboard!


He motions a thumbs up to the driver before looking back down at Jacob



Moment of truth kid. Don't make me regret this.


*Whew. ModelV, Feel free to name the other troops, give em dialouge and whatever. Heck they're all up for universal-control. You can write some banter in the Snowroller if you want. Everyone else, I'm proud of the thread's comeback so far. Let's keep this up!*

Edited by MajikMoshos
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Fenix walks up to Hoage.



Hey there, old man, just askin': how long are we gonna stay here?


He looks around cautiously, listening to the tribals talking to each other, then turns back.



Coz' these guys freak me out.


He looks over Hoage's shoulder, spotting Izek talking to some other tribals.


Fenix <pointing at Izek>


That guy is like a village chief or something? You seem to have a history together.

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Toki walks up behind Fenix as he stops and talks to Hoage.



"Well I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm with Fenix. This tribal's are a little off. Before I got here I found several villages that all had been ransacked, and everyone I found were all dead, either gutted or hanged. Do you guys know if they had anything to do with it?"

"Frankly, I don't trust myself leaving this village alone. I got lucky, but I don't think I can take any more chances, especially since there are signs of Super Mutant activity around here."

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Nearing Eagle Bay


The soldiers, and Jacob, are seated inside the snow-roller.


Fransberg's standing, holding to the railing. She clicks some things on her pip-boy 2700, before putting it away.



Alright. Team A goes with me. We'll be deployed from the Snowroller in the next few clicks, far enough to not compromise Team B, lead by Jackson. This baby's got a custom engine and anti-radar paint, so unless they've got some really fancy s*** they won't be able to pick it up, or at least they'll think it's a Grolar. Radio Silence commences immediatley after that.



And for Saturn's sake, nobody on my team start shooting away the moment they see ambushers. I'll send the staff sarge an encoded message when we get sight of tangos.



When trouble brews, we fire on MY lead. Capiche?


Private Rancor (motioning to Jacob, next to him)

And what about the FNG, ma'am?


Rancor the burly, hairy oaf bumps Jacob's shoulder.


Private Rancor

Sucker seems lost half the time.



He's with you & me, Rancor. Lucky boy's on community service! He might just save your ass today!


Rancor chuckles. He's got a repulsive laugh.


Private Rancor

Better not be an eight-ball, "Jacob".


A masculine female soldier slaps Rancor on the upside


Private Hayes

Ease off the new-blood, Rancor.


Jacob is confused and remains silent.


Fransberg smirks.


Fransberg (thinking)

<If he really is so...new...>


The Snowroller comes to a stop



Alright boys 'n gals, this is it!


Fransberg reachs the frontloading ramp, hitting a switch. It crashes down into the snow.



Hayes, Xander, Morris, Duskalo, Lewis, Zai-su, Mirkovic, all on me!


She leades the team of eight out. Jackson hits the switch once the last's gone, the ramp clamping closed



Next stop, all aboard!


He motions a thumbs up to the driver before looking back down at Jacob



Moment of truth kid. Don't make me regret this.


Jacob hits the snow with the rest of the team, his breathe echoing inside his gas mask.



*Hhhk* Well then*Hhhk* Lets move before the signal dies. *Hhhk*


The squad heads towards the ambush zone. After way there Jacob collapses in pain.






**** get up rookie. Hayes help him up.


Private Hayes

Hey you okay new guy?


Jacob(Getting up)

*Hhhk* Its nothing *Hhhk* Im fine *Hhhk* Lets keep moving.


The squad keeps moving until they spot the eyebot.



There it is commander.



Good. Everyone move in slowly.


Jacob grabs Jackson's arm as the rest of the Squad moves in.



Wait. Somethings not right. *Hhhk*



No **** something not right. You said it yourself we are expecting an ambush weve got this under control.


The snow bursts open and a small metal object jumps into the air near the rest of the Squad and detonates a moment later.



Land mines!!! Take cover!


A shot goes off from the cliff and half of Jackson's head isnt there anymore. His body falls on Jacob.


Private Hayes




Damn it!



Sorry for the wait...school...work...life...forgetfulness...hah. I will be taking the time to re do my skill set. I figured it would be okay this early into everything and i wont be taking out or lowering any of the skills ive used so far(Science, Unarmed, Guns.). The skill set was made when i felt like playing a different kind of character you see...

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Petra smiles at Fenix as the merc begins conversation with Hoage.



Hey there old man, just askin': how long we gonna stay here?


Hoage stands from the seat, streching his back



Cuz' these guys freak me out...



Izek wants us to leave the kids here. Qochata's got something -


Toki suddenly steps between the merc and the veteran.


Hoage glares at him.



Well I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm with Fenix. These tribals are a little off.



Who the hell are you anyway? Anyway, I admit these Ikkuma are...a little extreme. Like your hair.


Hoage sticks a cigar in his mouth, not breaking his glare from Toki.



Before I got here I found several villages that all had been ransacked, and everyone I found were all dead, either gutted or hanged. Do you guys know if they had anything to do with it?


Hoage (lighting cigar)

Of course. It's their way of 'purifying' the dead...


Hoage chuckles, puffing out smoke.



From some "curse that walks".


Qochata steps up to the group.



Hoage, Merc...spikey hair.


Qochata glances fromHoage, to Fenix and then Toki.



There is a favour I must ask.



I'm no wetworker, Cheif.


Qochata smirks



You'll receive a payout. Free upgrades to your Cargo-class Vertibird. Anything you desire. Even some of our finest women for you and your men.


Hoage thinks for a second.



Even if they're interested, I'm not -



Do you want the boy to die, Hoage? We don't have enough of his medicine nor the ingredients for such alchemy.



...What do you want us to do?



I can't take out any patrols further out than willow creek. And I can't risk comprimising the position, if we haven't already done so. We've purified enough settlements but we know the Curse that Walks is slowly making its way towards Old Anchorage, the land of death.





Izek suddenly steps in front of Qochata, motioning something to him before turning his attention back to the group.



And that's where you could find the Catalyst. A blue serum first devised at the Anchorage Medical College. It's key to the boy's medicine...something that was very hard to synthethise even with Saturn's best equipment.



We're in need of that and a good supply of medicine. Perhaps ammo dumps from an old Outpost near the death city. Our Great Council, the Watchmen of all Ikkuma, can't support the fringe villages like our own.



So why hasn't it come here instead?



I ask myself that same question. Perhaps we share a similar goal...Perhaps it has no interest in the Ikkuma. It may very well be spread further than we think, infiltrated the demon king's ranks already, or even our own...



Alright...Alright...this is just a favour for me, don't fret about payments to me.


Izek smiles



But whoever I can take along deserves a cut of the rewards.


Izek slowly leers to Qochata and nods.



That's admirable of you, Hoage. Very well. I'll see to it that the Vertibird's stocked on ammo and Energy for the long flight ahead. You might need to make a few stops...keep your profile low, make yourselves out to be traders or scavengers, but be warned - the demon lord Saturn will be looking for you.


Qochata walks away in silence. Izek turns back to Hoage's attention.



You best prepare yourselves for this, gentlemen.


Izek walks away, carrying himself with a powerful stride.

Fenix (pointing at Izek)

That guy is like a village chief or something? You seem to have a history together.


Hoage smirks



An old friend...someone who I owe an even older favour to...


Hoage looks towards Carter and William, before focusing back on Toki and Fenix.



We might need to have a group discussion. These guys might be crazy but...something big is going down.



Moments later



So we'll head for Old Anchorage, look for this...Catalyst. There's a lot in it for you boys, and frankly some of their women are fine dames.


Hoage stamps his cigar on the crude woodcut table.



Any takers?



*ModelV, you really don't have to copypaste the entire thing you know? Just write stuff focusing on your character, chuck in a bit of dialouge and action when responding to them (IE an NPC or player adressing your character, sort of like how I've done it) but not the whole thing.*

Edited by MajikMoshos
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Any takers?



lifts his empty glass, the ice cubes rattling within "I need more caps for more vodca somehow, and theye can't be any crazer than me.. so I'm in"he says before downing the icecubes then looks towards [bWilliam][/b]"you up for some fun as well?"

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****! *Hhhk*


Jacob grabs Jackson's grenades and slings them over his shoulder.



I cant see anything through that forest.


He looks over at the eyebot laying on a rock...



The sensor array but I would need an interface.


...then down at Jackson's pipboy. Schematics and data streams flood his mind from his dormant memory as the carnage ensues around him.



Take cover! Where are those shots coming from?! s


Jacob chops of Jackson's left forearm with his knife fist and makes a run for the eyebot. As he runs through the snow he starts pulling the flesh out of the pipboy.


Soldier 1

Multiple shooters on the- Ahh!


Soldier 2

Team Bravo to Alpha we need fire support we are taking heavy casualties I repeat heavy casualties.


Jacob resets the pipboy and a mine jumps into the air in front of him more schematics flow into his mind. He act and grabs onto the the 3 "legs" and press and pushes them down then back up into the mine disarming it.



****!*Hhhk* Whew! *Hhhk*


Jacob grabs the eyebot and takes cover behind the rock while the remaining members of the squad, Rancor and Hayes, finally finds cover. He wires the pipboy's screen to the eyebot and powers it up and after some adjustments finally gets an image on the screen. Its low resolution but he can see the shooters.



Rancor! Two shooters on the cliff. *Hhhk* Ones behind the- *Bullets scrape across the rock as he tries to point them out* ****! *Hhhk* Behind the damn the drag twisty tree! *Hhhk*


As Rancor peers out of cover to make the shot he gets hit in the shoulder.



Arrrgh! Damn it!






Jacob opens up the eyebot and rips out its memory core then rips out the power supply out of the pipboy then using some inc. grenades, the hopper mine, and the fusion battery he rewires the eyebot as a bomb and reroutes power to its hover system to speed it up. He lets it loose, it disappears into the forest and detonates setting the whole thing on fire. The sniper gets killed by the blast instantly...almost.







Woo!!! Yea! Nice shot rookie!


Hayes and Rancor break cover and walk over to Jacob.



Sons of *******. You alright? Arrgh damn this hurts.



Quit whining the dock will patch you up soon enough. Anything on the rad-


Minigun fire rips through the inferno and tears Hayes apart.




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So we'll head for Old Anchorage, look for this...Catalyst. There's a lot in it for you boys, and frankly some of their women are fine dames.


Any takers?



...and are we gonna get hazmat suits, or what? I mean seriously, headin' for Old Anchorage? That's goddam' suicide!


He takes a break, looks around, checking everyones' reactions.



Well... if it pays well, and every one of us is in, then count me in, too. I'm saving for a Chinese LMG*, anyway.


<loudly, almost shouting> ...But we better get back in one piece! I've got a job to do!


*Yeah, this means I'm requesting the addition of a new weapon - Chinese LMG - RPK. /Reference image/ If it's not okay, then I'll edit the post and change it to another gun :D

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Toki (Thinking)

Excellent, I can tag along with these guys!


Toki raises his arm, much to Hoage's apparent dislike for him, even though Toki has no idea who he is and vice verse.



"I wanted to check out Old Anchorage after learning about its history in the great war. Who knows what kind of Pre-War tech can be found in those ruins... And...I could use the caps; ammo doesn't pay for itself you know."


As Toki lowers his hands, a shiny glint can be seen on Toki's ring finger-- A platinum band. How he acquired something like that is as good as anyone's guess, but it clearly showed that the idea of getting women as a reward for finding a catalyst was not something he wanted.



"By the way, my name's Toki, I had no idea this village was well guarded, but of course I have a tendency to walk into privately owned places, much to my own surprise since over half of North America is nothing but a nuclear wreck. Anyway, you'll need the extra firepower, and I'm a wiz with a handgun, these two on my back are for when we run into the bigger threats like Super Mutants."


He extends his hand out to Hoage to shake.




Blah, sorry for the lack of activity, as I mentioned before, my internet is very, very, shoddy. It's been out for nearly a week and is just now working again, but for how long is anyone's guess...


And yes, my character is married. Whose his wife? Well, butter him up enough and he might tell you his complex history (Of course if you guys already read through his bio it spoils enough information anyway, lol) XD.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Rancor get down! *Hhhk*


Rancor and Jacob run back into cover as the next burst of machine gun fire is sent down range. The power armor clan warrior emerges from the inferno.


Jacob peaks out for a moment before ducking back down from the bullets.



*Hhhk* Son of a *Hh****hk*


He looks around. Rancor to his right. The Power Armored trooper to his back. Suddenly he spots the land mine sticking out of the snow to his left. Gun fire from Rancor's rifle breaks his concentration.




Die you **************************!


The bullets simply bounce off the ceramic armor and draws the Knight's attention to Rancor as he walks forward towards their position. Jacob sees his opening. He runs towards the mine and catches it in the air. He keeps running straight until hes in the knight's blind spot. The Knight opens fire chipping apart the rock and getting 2 bullets into Rancor's arm. He feels a pain in his neck and the helmet shifting forward and to the side. Jacob drives down onto the snow and the Knight's head pops off with a bang.





Im gonna try to keep this thread from dieing.

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