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where did my stuff go?


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i want to decorate my house with all manner of junk but also some good stuff so it safe for me to drop items on the floor and drag them around wherever and here is the problem they are gone not once but twice the first time was in the waterfront house and now my chorrol house did it so here is my question sooo can i drop my stuff around the house any of my houses and nooo i want decorate no store them

in the elder scroll oblivion

Edited by liledd
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If you dropped the stuff before you'd bought the upgrades and then went out and bought the upgrades, the house interior you came back to isn't the same one that you dropped your stuff in (it's a completely different interor).

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Yes the game cells all reset, by default every 72 hours. Stuff that you drop shouldn't disappear though.


I use a mod named SPAWN that allows you to change the cell reset time for different types of cells. For example I have player owned cells set to reset after between 480 and 720 hours (you can set min and max times so that things can be a bit random if you want ... or you could set both min and max to the same if that's what you prefer).


Now I can tell you that when those cells do reset the stuff you have laying around does disappear (as documented in the SPAWN mod comments). If you visit the cells before the timer reset you could avoid that (as long as you set the timer to a long enough time and set the option for that cell type to retain the vanilla cell reset behavior of restarting the timer when you leave the cell).


SPAWN requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and will take some study for you to get an understanding of how it works. Not sure what else to offer as help ... as I've said with the vanilla game cell reset behavior you shouldn't be losing your stuff (only other thing I can think of is possibly another mod that affects the cell reset in your load order).

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If you have SPAWN left at it's default setting then yes, it is at the center of your missing stuff. I don't know why it changes the vanilla game behavior of stuff left in cells that should stay where they are disappearing (shadeMe has never responded to that post in the comments).


I don't know how large you can set the min and max values ... here is how I have the Player owned cell section of SPAWN.ini set:


Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMin to 480 ; Player Owned cells. Overrides all of the above
Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedMax to 720
Set zzSpawnVarsQ.sPlayerOwnedPVIncrement to 0
The last line there (PVIncrement to 0) sets the cell reset behavior to vanilla (so whenever you leave the cell it starts the timer from zero again instead of the default SPAWN behavior of advancing the timer from where it was by the amount in PVIncrement ... by default 3).
I suggest setting the Min and Max values to 720 (that's 30 days ... mine is set to min at 20 days and max at the 30 days). As long as you visit the cell before the 30 days is up it will restart at 30 days when you leave the cell. You could of course also set Min and Max to higher values (just convert the number of days you want to hours).
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Get into the habit of reading mod comments ... chances are you won't be the first one to run into a problem (unless of course it's a brand new mod). I look for what type of problems are reported and then judge the solutions offered by the mod author or other users. If I can't understand the problem even after reading about the solution chances are I won't be using the mod.


You will also start to get an idea of who the different mod authors are ... shadeMe's contributions to the game are legend.

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yea i know i should read the comment but if the endorsements is high then is ok by me , download,umpack , ready...crashh lol

ty again for all your help the only thing that bug me is that i will have to take all my stuff (aka crap) out of the house once a mont

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