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My player character's appearance changed...

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I recently was having trouble with female NPCs not having hair and missing clothing, and as a result, I reinstalled certain hair and clothing mods (Rens, Colourwheels, NPC clothes, etc. [i have a few of them]) and now my character who had long hair, face changed. He now has the appearance of one of those blind folded monks. I tried to alter it back via the console, but my game crashes every time I enter the "showracemenu" command. Is there a way I can switch my characters appearance back to its original design? It could be my load order, but I'm using Boss, so I'm lost...
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Use Wrye Bash to 'fix missing hair'. It will change your character's hair and eyes to any of vanilla hair available. Load your save, use 'showracemenu' to see if 'fixed' save crashes. Sounds like something happened to your cosmetic mod.
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it sounds like you've uninstalled one of the custom hair mods that your character was using. The blindfold is typically the default vanilla hair used when custom hairs are missing
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