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Creating My Own Face Mask, in need of simple help

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Remember also that textures need to be a size that's a power of 2: 256, 512, 1024, etc. So a 512x512 image would be fine, a 512x1024 would be fine, but a 512x800 would not. Also, you might want to run the 'remove bogus nodes' spell in Nifskope. Excess bones have caused CTDs for me before when creating meshes.



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Good news!!! I have exported the mask and added a texture that, I believe, is the proper size. However, the mask still refuses to show up when I wear it but it ISNT causing my game to CTD anymore. This makes me really happy even though I havent quite gotten there yet. But now Im pretty sure it is only a texture or alignment problem at this point. When creating a new piece of clothing, how do I make sure the meshes and textures meet up and work together? When I was looking at the Greey Cowl item screen, there was a biped model, a world model, and a model to place the icon image. I didnt mess with the icon image but its very possible I might not have put something right in the other two. Any ideas?
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If you did set the mask to an amulet slot, did you try taking off your armor before putting on the mask? I ask because most armor are set to hide amulets when the armor is worn. For the models:


Biped model - how it looks when worn

World model - how it looks lying on the ground

Icon image - inventory icon


Other than that, I guess I can't help you. Like I said, I don't know much outside of scripting.

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I did think about how my armor might have hidden the mask and I did have a test character go shirtless to test. Unfortunately, that wasnt the case and it still remains unseen. Thanks for the info about the models btw. Also, the selection screen has the three model input slots for both male and female. Does this mean that if nothin is put in one it will not appear with that gender? testing this now.
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Ive fixed it so that I can open the chest and wear the item without causing a CTD but the mask is still unseeable. I changed the texture file path and still no luck. It might be the tecture having to be a size of 2. How do I check that? Would it have failed to convert to a .dds in photoshop if the dimensions were wrong?
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Ive done some more testing and I believe my base skeleton actually might have something to do with it as well. Some of my capes are not showing up, even when the mask is removed. Ill do a clean install and try again. If anyone has thoughts or ideas, I would be very greatful^^.
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