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Visually magnificent quests


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I got hooked on gaming through the Tomb Raider series when TR II first came about. I loved the 3D adventure theme and really loved their use of color schemes in the level. I felt that it was the lighting that really "made" the game. Naturally I look for levels/games like that now. Oblivion as BRILLIANT as it is, with the exception of the horizons which are gorgeous, comes in 2 colors; yellows and Bright Green (night eye). I really like a lot of different color lighting inside and outside buildings. I've been looking for some playable quests/areas which sport this feature but not having much luck. I have Gamluvr's Magic Lanterns and Lamps of Oblivion which I love, but those are more of a "doit yurself". I really liked City of Sunev (very nice job BTW) but you couldn't do much with it as it was not really completed. I think there must be a few colorful and visually stunning quests/areas out there. plz tell what you know, I like options!! Thanks, GoodFortitude
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Make my own quest? I'd know it inside and out. That's no fun! :)


In all honesty, I've thought about doing one, if I can get the time. But, I noticed something from making mods for TombRaider and Morrowind. The game loses it's mystique when I spend time in the editors/construction sets. The more time I spend creating fun levels, the less I really enjoy the mystery and adventure of exploring the game itself - the "principle of diminishing returns". I didn't want that to happen with Oblivion, such a great game.


Although, the more time goes on...the more it seems to happen anyway...(laughs to self) hence why I look for fun mods. So, I've thought about doing one anyway. I'm beginning to think I would have an original mod if nothing else.


Although, I don't know if I am up for competing with Ultimate Landscapes or some of the more comprehensive MODs at that. And, as far as writing code or scripting, or anything too "geeky," I really suck. Don't even know how. I'm more into visuals. And, I haven't used the CS yet, but I think that the programs probably get more and more complicated to learn and use.

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  DeusXMachina said:
It's not a quest, but it's visually stunning (imho), and you'll need some time to explore it: Septim Mansion



Hey, I'll take it. And, nice job. thnx for the link!


BTW, does the Deusx in your "thingy" stand for the Deus Ex game? I really liked that game and was very disappointed in pt 2. I thought pt 1 was a ton better. So, I played the first Deus Ex several times over even though I had the second one.. Hope they make a pt 3.....

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