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i'm getting all kindsa problems. it seems that using AII from FOMM actually makes things worse. WAY worse! i'm getting red <!> (missing meshes) and bright pink (missing textures), on most humans. also <!> all over the terrain. totally invisible bodies too. floating head, hands. i'm getting this warning in all 3 inis (the ini.default in NVmain, and the 2 ini & inipref that're in the Documents/Mygames folder)...



SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.


SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.



it seems i have these in an older backup ini i made, and they are not present in any of the 3 inis i have now...



SMasterMiscArchiveFileName=Fallout - Misc.bsa

SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1=Fallout - Voices.bsa

SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2=Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa

SMasterSoundsArchiveFileName=Fallout - Sound.bsa

SMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1=Fallout - Textures.bsa

SMasterMeshesArchiveFileName=Fallout - Meshes.bsa"



is the above supposed to be present in all 3 inis? any advice of what all that means^^? or how to fix this?


i've made tons of Data backups but unfortunately i never made backups of all the original inis. i started having these problesm when i died an let the game load itself, but that could be coincidental. thanks!!

Edited by Mookeylama
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