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Uninstalling item mods


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If you uninstall a mod that adds items to the game like armor or spells and you remove that mod when you have it in your inventory, does it affect the game in any way or is it safe? I get the feeling that the game still tries to load those items or will create bloat in your savefile.
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Yup. :thumbsup: you got it on the first try. Just unchecking the esp in the data list does not remove the mod, it just does not run the esp when the game starts. The textures and meshes are still loaded. The problem isn't bloat, but problems when the game tries to use these assets - it can cause crashes or missing mesh indicators.


Even though the active mod limit is 255. if you have over 400 total mods in your data folder, - whether they show in your list or not - and less than the 255 limit actually active, it can still crash the game on starting. You can move the unused mods into a separate folder, OR if you use Wrye Bash, activate the ghosting feature, which hides the unused mods from the game engine.


If you install manually (drop the mod into the data folder) you will have to uninstall manually - go into the folders and remove everything that the mod installed.


If you used either OMODs (from OBMM) or BAIN (from Wrye Bash) to install, disabling the mod using the OBMM or Wrye Bash will completely remove all of the assets for you. :biggrin:

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Further to the above:


If you use OBMM or BAIN to install two mods which both modify the same item, the second one you install will, by default, overwrite the first. You can choose in both cases to not let it overwrite that object, leaving the version from the first mod intact.


HOWEVER, when you UNINSTALL either of the mods, the behaviour changes. OBMM will uninstall the replacement file whether it is the version from the first OR the second mod, leaving either just the Vanilla version (if it was a pre-existing object) or nothing at all and a big yellow "WTF - I'm a missing mesh" label. BAIN, on the other hand, will ensure that the version from the other mod which changes the item is left in place. Score 1 to BAIN!

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Thanks for the replies. I'm using BAIN so I have some advantages there. I knew the files were left in the data folder if you disable a mod of course but not that they could affect the game. That's interesting. :) But what I really wanted to know was if the missing items can cause CTDs if I have them in my inventory when I disable the mod. Would it be better to leave them in a chest instead?
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Thanks for the replies. I'm using BAIN so I have some advantages there. I knew the files were left in the data folder if you disable a mod of course but not that they could affect the game. That's interesting. :) But what I really wanted to know was if the missing items can cause CTDs if I have them in my inventory when I disable the mod. Would it be better to leave them in a chest instead?


For safety, sell them to merchant for money, or put them into any respawning container, and wait 3~4 days at somewhere 'remote' before deactivating/removing the mod.

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Yes, that's probably a good idea, though waiting seems a bit like overdoing it. Edited by Moire
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