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anyone know how to get OMODs to consistently spawn in leveled lists?


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ive got a new upgrade for the raider buttressed armor, but im having a hard time getting the OMOD to spawn in leveled lists attached to the raider armor. ideally id like raider bosses to spawn with a full set of the modded armor, but so far im unsuccessful. i have added the attempt in the new raider overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9103/? but still no full armor sets spawning on the bosses. if anyone can shed some light on the massive amount of raider leveled lists id be very greatful, as would everyone who uses my mod

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thatd be cool and all, but named raider bosses like tower tom or red tourette dont respawn if i recall. and the forged leader uses power armor that i dont want to take from him. im talking like randomly generated boss raiders that respawn. i have tried making a cusom list, one with the modded armor (doesnt work) and one with the under armor and helmet, and then a list for both of those, a "master" list containing them. ive also tried adding the OMODs to randomly generated lists, and giving them a level requirement of 36, and raising the raider bosses level cap to 50 instead of 35. that didnt work either.

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if i added it as a completely new armor, with ARMO and ARMA entries itd spawn on bosses easily, thats how ive done a bunch of armors and they all work fine, but if i add it as an independant armor instead of an OMOD then i cant get the workbench to upgrade the buttressed to dreadnaught

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Sorry bud, was just the first thing that popped into my head. The unique list idea was just a stab at it. I don't know if its possible, but you could look at creating outfits, like NPC's use, and adding them to the leveled list. Again, just a thought.

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i appreciate the help honestly. just kinda getting fed up. im sure every mod author has been where i am at one point or another. i think i tried the outfit idea once before, i might give it another go. the raider mod armor is just so expansive, theres so many pieces and leveled lists, and ugh. ive hit a roadblock bro

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*sends internet coffee and cigarettes*

Heh, i'm currently massaging nifs. I hate this part of creation. To expand on the idea a bit:

Make a 1/2 dozen (or however many you want for PoC) outfits.

Put them as clothing the leveled list, replacing the existing armor.

See if it works.

if not, I'll see if I can't come up w/ something else as equally or more harebrained.

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Look towards the end of the existing armour ARMOs. You'll see it has a bunch of variants, that list the OMODs it has slotted and have a keyword the variant is associated with. Levelled Lists have a 'keyword' slot on each entry. If it selects that entry, it'll check to see if it has a variant associated with that keyword on the ARMO, and spawn that variant with the OMODs.


Yeah, Bethesda set it up in a weirdly convoluted way. If you want to add a variant of your *own* to a given piece of armour, it'll cause conflicts with any other mod editing the ARMO form for it. I'm tempted to make a resource for people that lets you put scripted items into someone's inventory to add the mods you want to avoid this nonsense.

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are you talking about the modcol entries in the omod lists? ive added my mod to those lists. i think its the keywords that are messing me up. ive added a new keyword to associate my mod with, the vanilla raider armor mods are "dn_HasMaterial_1" to "dn_HasMaterial_4" so i created a new keyword (obviously enough) "dn_HasMaterial_5" and added it to the keyword entry on my armor upgrade, dreadnaught. perhaps i dont have the keyword in the right place for the game to pick it up. currently i marked it in the LLKC area of a created leveled list containing leveled armor entries.http://i66.tinypic.com/207qscp.png

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I've been working on a similar mod for leather armor mods, but it doesn't really work well at all. Aside from the unknown entries in those lists (which I have experimenting a lot), we don't know exactly what these particular keywords do. I'm so frustrated with it that I shelved the mod until the CK arrives.


Following this thread to see if you can figure it out though. Good luck.

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